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Project Code [2015-SE-DS-7]

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Project title

AgriBenchmark- benchmarking sustainable nutrient management on Irish farms

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University College Dublin (UCD)

Lead Applicant

Paul Murphy

Project Abstract

AgriBenchmark aims to produce national sectoral benchmarks for the agricultural sector in the area of farm nutrient management and explore ways to put such benchmarks into operation at farm level to motivate improvements in farm efficiency and sustainability. This will be achieved through four work packages: 1. A Literature Review and Synthesis of farm level nutrient balances and use efficiencies and their use as indicators of farm performance, both agronomically and environmentally, and as benchmarks to improve management. 2. Deriving farm nutrient balance and use efficiency indicators for nitrogen and phosphorus across different Irish farm systems using data from the Teagasc National Farm Survey. These indicators will be developed on a multiyear basis allowing for temporal analysis of changes in nutrient source pressures. 3. A benchmark analysis of these indicators to derive system-specific farm-scale benchmarks that could be used by farmers as targets for improved management with resultant agronomic and environmental benefits. The potential benefits of achieving relevant nutrient balance and use efficiency benchmark targets will be explored and quantified up to the national level. 4. Exploring strategies to put these benchmarks into operation at farm level in a farm management tool. AgriBenchmark will make a significant contribution to our understanding of the current environmental pressures arising from nutrient management in the different production systems across the agricultural sector. It will also improve our understanding of the potential environmental and economic benefits that could be achieved through improvements in this regard and will explore the possibilities for a farm benchmarking tool that could motivate practice change and improve sustainability of nutrient resource management in the agricultural sector. Expected Project Outputs: � 2 peer-reviewed journal publications � At least 3 oral and poster presentations at scientific and industry conferences � A final report- a one-stop-shop for those interested in the results of the project � A 2-page summary report - will provide an easily understood summary of the project and its main results and conclusions, including policy and management conclusions � Articles in the popular media/farming press � A policy brief- a summary of the key policy-relevant findings and their policy implications in a format that is accessible to policy makers � A press release to highlight project outputs � A proposal for a benchmarking management tool and associated management practices and knowledge transfer approaches that might be considered as a policy/management instrument.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Socio-Economic Considerations

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
