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2024 was a key year for the EPA in the provision of timely and targeted information on the environment

Date released: February 04, 2025

In its Annual Highlights, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) showcases its work in addressing environmental challenges across Ireland.

Ireland’s recycling rate has not improved in a decade: it is time to move away from a wasteful linear economy

Date released: December 16, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Circular Economy and Waste Statistics Highlights Report 2022. This report identifies that Ireland generated 15.7 million tonnes of waste in 2022, which although a decrease on 2021 figures, still shows a growth of over 20 per cent in the last decade.

Local authorities must effectively prioritise enforcement resources to protect and improve the environment

Date released: December 02, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its report on the environmental enforcement performance of local authorities in 2023.

Seven Sites identified as National Priorities for enforcement by the EPA in Q3 2024

Date released: November 12, 2024

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes its National Priority Sites list for quarter three 2024.

Public support for climate action remains high across Ireland

Date released: November 05, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today released that show national, regional, and county-level data about people’s climate change beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences and behaviours. This is the third output from Wave 2 of the study, undertaken in 2023 by the EPA and the Yale University Program on Climate Change Communication in support of the National Dialogue on Climate Action.

EPA launches new Quarterly Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Ireland which show greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.2 per cent in Quarter 1 2024

Date released: October 21, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published quarterly greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland for Quarter 1 2024. This is a new series of quarterly greenhouse gas emission indicators which will support early and more frequent monitoring of progress on climate action.

Two decades is too long to wait to fix Ireland’s deficient wastewater treatment plants, says EPA.

Date released: October 10, 2024

The EPA’s Urban Wastewater Treatment in 2023 report, released today, highlights progress in wastewater treatment, including a 45 per cent reduction in the number of towns and villages discharging raw sewage, since the start of 2023. Nevertheless, wastewater treatment at many areas is not good enough to prevent wastewater discharges from impacting the quality of rivers, estuaries, lakes and coastal waters.

Progress, economic prosperity, and health all threatened unless Ireland increases the scale, pace, and ambition of environmental action

Date released: October 02, 2024

Today the EPA published its flagship 2024 State of the Environment Report. The report illustrates that Ireland continues to play catch-up. Our reliance on landfills has reduced dramatically, but we are generating and exporting too much waste. We have made progress in improving air quality in our cities, but we have increasing evidence that even low levels of air pollution impacts our health. While we have addressed serious pollution in many rivers and lakes, we are not making progress on the more widespread water pollution from too much nutrient.

Dul chun cinn, rathúnas geilleagrach agus sláinte i mbaol mura méadaíonn Éire scála, luas agus uaillmhian na gníomhaíochta comhshaoil

Date released: October 02, 2024

D’fhoilsigh an GCC a Thuarascáil shuaitheanta do 2024 ar Staid an Chomhshaoil inniu. Léirítear sa tuarascáil go bhfuil Éire ag leanúint ar aghaidh ag iarraidh an bhearna a dhúnadh. Laghdaíodh ár spleáchas ar láithreáin líonta talún go mór ach táimid ag giniúint agus ag easpórtáil an iomarca dramhaíola. Rinneamar dul chun cinn maidir le feabhas a chur ar cháilíocht an aeir inár gcathracha, ach tá fianaise mhéadaitheach againn go bhfuil tionchar ag leibhéil ísle truaillithe aeir ar ár sláinte. Cé go bhfuil aghaidh tugtha againn ar thruailliú tromchúiseach i go leor aibhneacha agus lochanna, nílimid ag déanamh dul chun cinn ar an truailliú uisce níos forleithne ón iomarca cothaithigh.

Ireland needs to tackle solid fuel burning and transport emissions to meet Clear Air Strategy ambition and protect public health

Date released: September 22, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its annual air quality report Air Quality in Ireland 2023. The report is based on the extensive monitoring network in Ireland, which consists of 115 monitoring stations, reporting hourly, and is a leader across Europe in providing a 3-day air quality forecast.

EPA National Criteria to Help Reduce Construction Waste

Date released: August 28, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published National By-Product Criteria for Greenfield Soil and Stone.

Become an EPA Citizen Scientist and measure air quality in Limerick City this October!

Date released: August 21, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Limerick City & County Council, today launched Clean Air Together Limerick City, a citizen science project to measure air quality in Limerick.

EPA Publishes Annual Report and Accounts for 2023

Date released: August 08, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published its Annual Report and Accounts 2023. It coincides with the thirtieth anniversary of the EPA’s establishment, and outlines EPA activity in 2023.

Foilsíonn GCC a Thuarascáil Bhliantúil agus a Chuntais Bhliantúla le haghaidh 2023

Date released: August 08, 2024

D’fhoilsigh an Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil (GCC) a Tuarascáil Bhliantúil agus a Cuntais Bhliantúla le haghaidh 2023 inniu. Tá siad i gcomhthráth leis an gcomóradh tríocha bliain ar bhunú GCC, agus leagtar amach iontu gníomhaíocht GCC in 2023.

One third of Irish people are alarmed about climate change. EPA publishes ‘Climate Change’s Four Irelands’ Audience Segmentation Analysis

Date released: July 30, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published Climate Change’s Four Irelands’ an audience segmentation analysis of the Irish population. The report identifies four audiences within the Irish public who share similar sets of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours relating to climate change.

Unmonitored private drinking water supplies are a potential risk to public health, says EPA.

Date released: July 25, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the Drinking Water Quality in Private Group Schemes and Small Private Supplies 2023 report.

Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 lowest in three decades

Date released: July 08, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its provisional greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland for 2023.

While water quality is very high, the resilience of drinking water supplies must improve and will require sustained investment into the future, says EPA.

Date released: July 02, 2024

The EPA Drinking Water Quality in Public Supplies Report 2023 released today, shows that over 99.7 per cent of public water supplies comply with bacterial and chemical limits, which means our public water is safe to drink.

Ireland is wasting over one million meals a day

Date released: June 27, 2024

New figures released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today show that over 750,000 tonnes of food waste was generated in Ireland in 2022.

Radon is still the main source of radiation exposure for the Irish public, say EPA and HIQA.

Date released: June 24, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) today published a new assessment of the average radiation doses received by the Irish population.

There are no signs yet of an improvement in water quality and more action is needed, says EPA

Date released: June 11, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published Water Quality in 2023: An Indicators Report. The report provides an update of the key indicators of the quality of Ireland’s rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal and groundwaters using monitoring data collected in 2023.

Ireland is projected to exceed its National and EU climate targets

Date released: May 27, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its greenhouse gas emissions projections for the period 2023-2050.

Bathing water quality remains high overall, but heavy summer rainfall is putting pressure on our beaches

Date released: May 15, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Bathing Water Quality in Ireland report for 2023 which shows that water quality at the majority of Ireland’s bathing waters was of a high standard.

Ammonia emissions down one per cent in 2022, however further reductions needed to protect health and the environment

Date released: May 10, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published its 2022 assessment of five key air pollutants which impact air quality, health and the environment.

Failure to fix faulty septic tanks is a risk to human health and the environment, and can’t continue, says EPA.

Date released: May 08, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the report on Domestic Waste Water Treatment System Inspections 2023 which details the findings of septic tank inspections completed by local authorities in 2023.

EPA report shows low uptake of Green Public Procurement in government department contracts.

Date released: April 25, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its third report on Green Public Procurement (GPP) activity in government departments.

EPA Climate change lecture: climate change and health- moving from paralysis to pragmatism

Date released: April 22, 2024

The next lecture in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Change lecture series will be delivered by Professor Lea Berrang Ford, Deputy Director at the UK Health Security Agency.

Ireland’s power generation and industrial emissions decreased by seventeen per cent in 2023

Date released: April 05, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), today released its preliminary analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 from the Emissions Trading System (ETS) sector.

EPA announces funding of €14.5m for new environmental and climate research

Date released: April 04, 2024

Today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced research funding of up to €14.5 million for new environmental research. The EPA is inviting proposals from the research community for innovative projects to support the development and implementation of environmental policies in Ireland.

Odour and Noise Complaints accounted for 90 per cent of all complaints to the EPA in 2023

Date released: March 26, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its Industrial and Waste Licence Enforcement Summary 2023. The report gives details of enforcement activities across the 889 licensed facilities in 2023.

People in Ireland continue to be positive about benefits of climate action

Date released: February 27, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published initial results from the second wave of its ‘Climate Change in the Irish Mind’ project (CCIM). This work was undertaken by the EPA and the Yale University Program on Climate Change Communication in support of the National Dialogue on Climate Action.

Galway’s citizen scientists find low levels of air pollution from traffic in 7 out of 10 locations studied. Clean Air Together Galway City – The Results!

Date released: February 22, 2024

In October and November 2023, more than 300 citizen scientists measured levels of the harmful air pollutant, Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), in Galway city as part of the Clean Air Together Galway City project.

Aimsíonn eolaithe saoránaigh leibhéil ísle aerthruaillithe a thagann ón trácht in 7 as 10 suíomh a rinneadh sampláil orthu. Aer Glan Le Chéile Chathair na Gaillimhe – Na Torthaí!

Date released: February 22, 2024

I mí Dheireadh Fómhair agus i mí na Samhna 2023, thomhais os cionn 300 eolaí saoránaigh leibhéil an truailleáin aeir dhíobhálaigh, Dé-ocsaíd Nítrigine (NO2), i gCathair na Gaillimhe mar chuid den tionscadal Aer Glan Le Chéile Chathair na Gaillimhe.

EPA announces funding of €14.3m for new research to address climate and environmental challenges

Date released: February 14, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced new funding for Environmental and climate research in Ireland, with funding of €14.3 million awarded for 33 new research projects.

EPA’s Review of 2023 showcases work to address environmental challenges

Date released: January 31, 2024

In its 2023 Highlights the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) showcases its work in addressing environmental challenges across Ireland.

The evidence is clear: Climate change is happening. Immediate and sustained actions are likely to have widespread benefits.

Date released: January 25, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published Ireland’s first Climate Change Assessment Report (ICCA). This major scientific assessment serves to complement and localise the global assessments undertaken by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Its findings build upon these assessments and add important local and national context.

EPA publishes national criteria that allow for the safe reuse of site-won asphalt (road planings) as a by-product

Date released: November 30, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published National By-Product Criteria for Site-Won Asphalt (road planings) from road developments.

Recycling rates slow as Ireland off track to meet key EU targets

Date released: November 27, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Circular Economy and Waste Statistics Highlights Report 2021. Ireland’s waste generation levels are continuing to rise and Ireland is failing to make sufficient inroads towards key EU recycling targets that apply from 2025 onwards.

Local authorities must prioritise environmental protection to improve air and water quality and increase waste recycling

Date released: November 13, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its report on the environmental enforcement performance of local authorities in 2022. The report shows that the scale of environmental enforcement work carried out by local authorities is significant.

EPA launches a National Air Quality Forecast

Date released: November 02, 2023

EPA launches a National Air Quality Forecast The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today launched a national air quality forecast to provide greater information to the public regarding expected air quality in Ireland for up to three days - “Today", “Tomorrow” and the “Day after Tomorrow”.

New EPA Online Portal provides full and open access to environmental enforcement information

Date released: November 01, 2023

The EPA has today launched the second phase of a major new Online service, the Licensing and Enforcement Access Portal or LEAP Online. Today’s release delivers the further enforcement information, including details of incidents, non-compliances, complaint summaries and also compliance investigations into issues detected at licensed sites.

Uisce Éireann must use its new investment plan to end pollution of our rivers and coastal waters from waste water

Date released: October 25, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2022, released today, shows that Uisce Éireann has made progress in stopping discharges of raw sewage over the past year, with the connection of six villages to new treatment plants in 2022.

People in Ireland support climate policies, with some opposition specific to local concerns and issues

Date released: October 24, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published two insight reports from its ‘Climate Change in the Irish Mind’ study. The reports ‘Climate Change in the Irish Mind - Support for Climate Policies’ and ‘Climate Change in the Irish Mind - Climate Risk Perceptions’ provide a detailed examination of some of the findings of the baseline study published in 2021.

“Urgent action needed to improve private drinking water quality”, says EPA.

Date released: October 19, 2023

The EPA today released the Drinking Water Quality in Private Group Schemes and Small Private Supplies 2022 report. Drinking water is provided to approximately 200,000 people across rural communities in Ireland, by over 380 group water schemes.

EPA publishes national criteria for recycled aggregates

Date released: October 17, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published National End-of-Waste Criteria for Recycled Aggregates. The criteria apply to aggregates recycled from construction and demolition waste, including soil and stone, concrete, bricks and ceramics.

EPA urges people in County Cork to check their homes for cancer-causing radon

Date released: October 04, 2023

Today, at the National Radon Forum, the EPA and Cork County Council’s Library and Arts Service launched a library loan scheme of digital radon monitors and is calling on householders in County Cork to take the first step to protect themselves and their families from radon, a cancer-causing radioactive gas.

New Director Joins EPA Board

Date released: September 26, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to welcome David Flynn onto the EPA Board. David will take up his new position as Director of the EPA in October 2023.

Ireland’s ambition to move towards the health-based WHO air quality guidelines will be challenging, but will have a significantly positive impact on health

Date released: September 24, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its annual air quality report ‘Air Quality in Ireland 2022’.

EPA calls for urgent action to improve Ireland’s household and commercial waste segregation and recycling performance

Date released: September 21, 2023

The EPA has today published the latest National Municipal Waste Characterisation Project. The project results show very little change in Ireland’s household and commercial waste management practices since 2018.

EPA Publishes Annual Report and Accounts for 2022

Date released: September 12, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published its Annual Report and Accounts 2022 detailing its role in protecting, improving and restoring Ireland’s environment through regulation, scientific knowledge and working with others.

EPA calls for measures to urgently tackle packaging waste generation

Date released: August 24, 2023

Ireland is meeting current EU recycling targets and achieving high recycling rates for some streams such as glass, paper/cardboard and ferrous metals.

Bí i d’Eolaí Saoránaigh agus cuidigh leis an GCC tomhas a dhéanamh ar thruailliú an aeir i gCathair na Gaillimhe

Date released: August 21, 2023

Sheol an Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil (GCC) agus Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe an tionscadal um Eolaíocht Saoránach ar a dtugtar Aer Glan Le Chéile (Cathair na Gaillimhe) inniu chun sonraí nua a bhailiú maidir le cáilíocht an aeir i gCathair na Gaillimhe.

Become a Citizen Scientist and help the EPA to measure air pollution in Galway City

Date released: August 21, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Galway City Council, today launched the Clean Air Together (Galway City) Citizen Science project, to gather new data on the quality of the air in Galway City.

Drinking water quality remains high but resilience of many supplies needs to improve, says EPA.

Date released: July 31, 2023

The EPA Drinking Water Quality in Public Supplies Report 2022 (insert link) released today, shows that over 99.7% of public water supplies comply with bacterial and chemical limits, which means our public water is safe to drink. 

Ireland’s 2022 Greenhouse Gas Emissions show a welcome decrease, but much work remains to be done

Date released: July 13, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its provisional greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland for 2022. The figures show a reduction of 1.9 per cent compared to 2021, with emission reductions in all key sectors except Transport.

EPA calls on food sector businesses to commit to reducing food waste by signing the Food Waste Charter

Date released: June 29, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today launched a new Food Waste Charter, calling on all businesses and State Agencies operating across the food supply chain to sign up and commit to reducing food waste.

Fixing faulty septic tanks is taking too long, says EPA

Date released: June 27, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the report on Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems Inspections in 2022. The EPA examined the 1,143 inspections of domestic waste water treatment systems completed by local authorities in 2022.

EPA finds no significant improvement in the water quality of rivers and lakes

Date released: June 13, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the report Water Quality in 2022 – An Indicators Report which provides an update on the water quality of Ireland’s rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal, and groundwaters for 2022.

Outcome of prosecution arising from EPA investigation sends a clear message that those engaged in environmental crime will be held to account

Date released: June 09, 2023

The former Director of Neiphin Trading Limited, operators of a waste facility in Kerdiffstown, Co Kildare, was today sentenced to three years in prison on each of three charges for serious environmental offences. The sentences will run concurrently with the final 12 months suspended.

Ireland projected to fall well short of climate targets, says EPA

Date released: June 01, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions projections for the period 2022-2040.

New EPA Online portal will provide greater transparency and easier public access to environmental enforcement information

Date released: May 26, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today launched the first phase of a major new Online service, the Licensing and Enforcement Access Portal or LEAP Online, which will allow the public to view the enforcement activities, actions and communications between the EPA and holders of EPA licences and permits.

Growth in agricultural activity driving increased ammonia emissions in Ireland in 2021

Date released: May 24, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published its 2021 assessment of five key air pollutants which impact air quality, health and the environment.

The majority of Ireland’s bathing waters have excellent or good water quality

Date released: May 11, 2023

The EPA has today published the Bathing Water Quality in Ireland report for 2022 which shows that water quality at the majority of Ireland’s bathing waters meets or exceeds the appropriate standards. 79% of bathing sites have 'Excellent’ water quality while 97% meet the minimum standard.

EPA announces increased funding of €16m for new research to address climate and environmental challenges

Date released: April 20, 2023

Environmental and climate research in Ireland today received a boost with the announcement by the EPA of up to €16 million in funding for new research projects, representing a significant increase over previous years.

EPA Climate Change Lecture Series – ‘Ocean Circulation, Tipping Points and the Public Climate Debate’

Date released: April 17, 2023

The EPA, in partnership with Dublin City Council, is delighted to welcome Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, Co-Head of the Research Department on Earth System Analysis the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor of Physics of the Oceans at the University of Potsdam.

EPA’s review of 2022 shows the impact of environmental challenges and desire for action across Ireland

Date released: April 05, 2023

EPA’s review of 2022 shows the impact of environmental challenges and desire for action across IrelandIn its Review of 2022 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highlights its work in addressing environmental challenges across Ireland.

Ireland’s power generation and industrial emissions decreased by four percent in 2022

Date released: April 04, 2023

The EPA, as the Competent Authority in Ireland for the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), today released its preliminary analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 from the ETS sector.

EPA calls for urgent focus on green public procurement by Government Departments

Date released: March 28, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its second report on Green Public Procurement (GPP) activity in Government Departments.

EPA statement on the publication of the IPCC Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Cycle

Date released: March 20, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes the publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Synthesis Report as part of its 6th Assessment cycle.

EPA inspections find that the Food & Drink and Waste Sectors continue to dominate the EPA National Priority Site List

Date released: February 27, 2023

The EPA today published the 2022 Industrial and Waste Licence Enforcement Report, an annual summary report on the enforcement activities carried out in 2022, alongside the list of sites which were designated as National Priority Sites during the year.

Hundreds of Cork City citizen scientists measure air pollution from traffic. Clean Air Together Cork City – The Results!

Date released: February 22, 2023

In October 2022, more than 700 citizen scientists measured levels of the harmful air pollutant, Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in Cork City as part of the Clean Air Together (Cork City) project.

EPA awards €10.7 million for research to support environmental protection in Ireland

Date released: January 27, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today announced €10.7 million of research funding for 42 research projects addressing climate change and other emerging, complex environmental problems.

Evidence shows consistent beliefs and attitudes on climate change across Ireland in both rural and urban areas. See what your County thinks about Climate Change.

Date released: January 19, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today released new interactive maps of Ireland that show national, regional, and county level data about people’s climate change beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences and behaviours.

EPA calls for urgent action to address Ireland’s Municipal Waste Recycling

Date released: December 06, 2022

The EPA’s National Waste Statistics Report for 2020 published today reports on the most recent official data on waste generation and management in Ireland. The report reveals a number of worrying trends.

“Continuing risks to public health in private drinking water supplies are not being tackled”, says EPA

Date released: November 24, 2022

The EPA today released the Drinking Water Quality in Private Group Schemes and Small Private Supplies 2021 report.

Local Authorities need to target enforcement actions more effectively to improve local air and water quality and waste segregation, says EPA

Date released: November 14, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its report on the environmental performance of local authorities in 2021.

EPA National Priority Site List Dominated by Sites from the Food & Drink and Waste Sectors

Date released: October 21, 2022

The EPA has published the details of its enforcement activities to date in 2022, and its latest National Priority Sites List - containing those facilities with the poorest compliance and environmental performance records so far this year. Sites are placed on the EPA National Priority List if they fail to adhere to their licence conditions and, as a consequence, are posing a risk to the environment.

Poorly treated sewage continues to harm the quality of our rivers, lakes and coastal waters, says EPA.

Date released: October 19, 2022

The EPA report on Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2021, released today, shows that investment in waste water infrastructure is delivering improvements to priority areas identified by the EPA, but treatment at many areas is still not as good as it needs to be.

Water quality of our rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal areas continues to decline, says EPA

Date released: October 13, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Water Quality in Ireland Report 2016-2021 which provides the latest assessment of the quality of Ireland’s rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal and groundwaters.

Drinking water quality is high but increased vigilance is needed by Irish Water and Local Authorities to protect public health, says EPA.

Date released: October 06, 2022

The EPA Drinking Water Quality in Public Supplies Report 2021 released today, shows that the quality of drinking water in public supplies remains high, with over 99.7% compliance with bacterial and chemical limits.

Ireland should move towards achieving the health-based WHO air quality guidelines

Date released: September 19, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today launched its annual air quality report ‘Air Quality in Ireland 2021’.

EPA publishes its second Irish Language Scheme in accordance with the Official Languages Act, 2003

Date released: September 16, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its second Irish language scheme 2022-2025, which sets out a range of areas in which we are committed to improving Irish language services to staff and customers over the next three years. The primary objective of the Official Languages Act is to ensure better availability and a higher standard of public services through Irish.

Foilsíonn an EPA a dara Scéim Ghaeilge de réir Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla, 2003

Date released: September 16, 2022

D'fhoilsigh an Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil (EPA) a dara scéim Ghaeilge 2022-2025 inniu, ina leagtar amach raon réimsí ina bhfuilimid tiomanta do sheirbhísí Gaeilge a fheabhsú don fhoireann agus do chustaiméirí sna trí bliana amach romhainn.

EPA calls for urgent measures to tackle packaging waste

Date released: September 12, 2022

The EPA has today published its latest figures on packaging waste in Ireland.

Become a Citizen Scientist and measure air pollution in Cork City

Date released: August 22, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce today launched the Clean Air Together (Cork City) Citizen Science project, to gather new data on the quality of the air in Cork City.

EPA data shows Ireland’s 2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions above pre-Covid levels

Date released: July 20, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its provisional greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland for 2021.

Delays in fixing failed septic tanks is unacceptable, says EPA

Date released: June 29, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the report on Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems Inspections in 2021. This is a report of the 1,147 inspections of septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems completed by local authorities in 2021.

EPA announces €650,000 funding opportunity for innovative Irish businesses in the Circular Economy

Date released: June 10, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today launches its €650,000 funding opportunity for Irish enterprises to innovate, demonstrate and implement new circular economy approaches in their business models, moving away from the ‘Take Make Use Dispose’ economic model.

EPA Greenhouse Gas emissions projections highlight the need for urgent implementation of climate plans and policies

Date released: May 31, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its Greenhouse Gas emissions projections for the period 2021-2040.

New EPA Radon maps show more homes and workplaces at risk from cancer-causing gas.

Date released: May 25, 2022

New radon maps, launched by the Environmental Protection Agency today at the National Radon Forum, show an increased risk from radon in Ireland, with 170,000 homes now predicted to be at risk of radon exposure above the national reference level.

EPA publishes Guidelines on the information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports.

Date released: May 17, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published 'Guidelines on the information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports’.

78% of Ireland’s bathing sites have excellent water quality

Date released: May 12, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Bathing Water in Ireland report for 2021, which shows that 78 per cent of bathing sites have excellent water quality, while 97 per cent meet the minimum standard.

EPA Climate Change Lecture Series – The Role of Communications in Driving Climate Action

Date released: April 27, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is delighted to welcome Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz, founder and Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and a Senior Research Scientist at the Yale School of the Environment.

Widespread implementation of ammonia reduction technologies in agriculture needed for Ireland’s compliance with EU Air Pollutant Reduction Targets

Date released: April 22, 2022

The EPA today published a report on its assessment of emissions of five key air pollutants which impact air quality, health and the environment.

€11.7 million funding for research to support the development and implementation of environmental policies in Ireland

Date released: April 14, 2022

The EPA is inviting proposals from the research community to help address climate change and other emerging, complex environmental problems. €11.7 million is available for new research projects.

Unlawful Peat Extraction Ordered to Cease

Date released: April 08, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomes the Order of the High Court today, which has required Harte Peat to cease the extraction of peat in the particular areas outlined in the judgment of Ms Justice Phelan - which was delivered recently.

EPA reports low level of green criteria used in public procurement by Government Departments

Date released: April 08, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its first report on the use of Green Public Procurement by Government Departments. Under the Climate Action Plan, lead responsibility was assigned to the EPA to report on Government Department Green Public Procurement (GPP) activity annually, starting in 2020.

‘The story of tissues’ video claims top prize in the EPA’s The Story of Your Stuff 2022 competition

Date released: April 06, 2022

This year’s competition attracted over 200 entries from schools across the country, as well as the highest number of Irish language entries to date.

Tugann an físeán ‘The story of tissues’ an chéad duais leis i gcomórtas Scéal do Stuif 2022 an GCC

Date released: April 06, 2022

Bhuaigh físeán ina bhfiosraítear saolré chomhshaoil agus tionchar ciarsúr comórtas 'Scéal do Stuif' 2022 na Gníomhaireachtaa um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil (an GCC). Mheall comórtas na bliana seo breis agus 200 iontráil ó scoileanna ar fud na tíre, chomh maith leis an líon is airde iontrálacha Gaeilge go dtí seo.

EPA statement on the publication of the IPCC Working Group III report: Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change

Date released: April 05, 2022

The EPA welcomes the publication of Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of climate change from Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as part of its 6th Assessment Report.

Ireland’s power generation and industrial emissions increase by 15 percent in 2021

Date released: April 01, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as the Competent Authority in Ireland for the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), today released its preliminary analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in 2021.

The EPA Welcomes the Judgment in relation to the cessation of the extraction of peat by Harte Peat

Date released: March 16, 2022

The EPA welcomes the High Court Judgment of Ms. Justice Phelan today, in the matter of the EPA's application for injunctive relief for the cessation of the extraction of peat by Harte Peat, from a large area of peatlands in Counties Westmeath, Cavan and Monaghan.

1,000 Dublin citizen scientists measure pollution from traffic

Date released: March 10, 2022

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and An Taisce’s Environmental Education Unit this evening hosted a webinar with the citizen scientists of the Clean Air Together project, to present the results of the study.

EPA enforcement efforts targeted unauthorised peat extraction, waste management and water quality issues in 2021

Date released: March 03, 2022

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its’ annual summary report on the enforcement activities carried out in 2021, along with the list of sites which were designated a National Priority Site during the year.

EPA statement on the publication of the IPCC Working Group 2 report - Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

Date released: February 28, 2022

The EPA welcomes the publication of the Working Group II report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, as part of its 6th Assessment Report.

EPA survey shows climate change remains the most pressing environmental issue facing Ireland

Date released: February 28, 2022

The EPA today published its Year in Review highlighting achievements during 2021. Published with the report are the results of an EPA/Red C survey gauging public attitudes toward the environment.

E. coli found in 1 in 20 private water supplies, says EPA.

Date released: February 21, 2022

The EPA today released the Drinking Water Quality in Private Group Schemes and Small Private Supplies 2020 report.

EPA competition asks second-level students to consider the global impact of their everyday decisions – The Story of Your Stuff.

Date released: January 11, 2022

Second-level students from across Ireland are asked to consider the global consequences of local actions as the EPA today launches The Story of Your Stuff competition 2022. The competition asks students to think about the wider environmental impact of their everyday decisions. It asks student to research the life cycle and environmental impact of an everyday item - such as their toothbrush - or everyday activity - such as eating their lunch, and to present their findings in a creative way.

Iarrann comórtas an EPA ar dhaltaí dara leibhéal machnamh a dhéanamh ar thionchar domhanda a gcinntí laethúla - The Story of Your Stuff.

Date released: January 11, 2022

Agus an EPA ag seoladh an comórtas The Story of Your Stuff 2022 inniu, iarrtar ar dhaltaí dara leibhéal ar fud na hÉireann na hiarmhairtí domhanda a baineann le gníomhartha áitiúla a mheas. Cuireann an comórtas roimh dhaltaí smaoineamh ar thionchar comhshaoil leathan a gcinntí laethúla. Iarrtar ar dhaltaí taighde a dhéanamh ar shaolré agus ar thionchar comhshaoil earra laethúil - mar shampla, scuab fiacla - nó gníomhaíocht laethúil - mar do lón a ithe, agus a gcuid torthaí a chur i láthair i slí cruthaitheach.

More focused and co-ordinated enforcement is needed by local authorities to protect water and air quality, cautions EPA.

Date released: December 16, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today released its report on local authority environmental enforcement activities for 2020. The EPA has seen a high level of inspections and enforcement actions carried out by local authorities, with the bulk of these relating to waste and litter. Local authorities also handled a substantial volume of environmental complaints during the year - predominantly relating to waste issues.

Vulnerability of Ireland’s drinking water supplies must be urgently addressed by Irish Water, says EPA

Date released: December 14, 2021

The EPA Drinking Water Quality in Public Supplies Report 2020 released today, shows that the quality of drinking water in public supplies remains high, with over 99.7% compliance with bacterial and chemical limits. The continued high levels of water quality being achieved are positive for consumers and indicate that the water is safe to drink. However, improvements are needed in our drinking water infrastructure to protect public health. Delays in the delivery of these improvements at water treatment plants by Irish Water means that water supplies remain vulnerable for longer, posing a risk to the health of a large portion of the population.

Major new study shows overwhelming agreement among Irish public on the threat of climate change and the desire for action

Date released: December 09, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the first report from its ‘Climate Change in the Irish Mind’ project. This work was undertaken by EPA and the Yale University Program on Climate Change Communication (its academic partner) in support of the National Dialogue on Climate Action. The project aims to develop a better understanding of the Irish population by conducting a baseline study of public climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, policy preferences, and behaviour of the Irish public to climate change.

EPA calls for urgent action to address Ireland’s rising waste volumes and falling recycling rates

Date released: December 02, 2021

Waste generation in Ireland continues to rise while recycling rates are falling, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Waste Statistics Summary Report for 2019 (insert link), which publishes the most recent official data on waste generation and management in Ireland. The report reveals some worrying trends.

Large decrease in air pollution from traffic in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions

Date released: November 22, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today launched its annual air quality report ‘Air Quality in Ireland 2020’. The report shows that, while air quality in Ireland is generally good and compares favourably with many of our European neighbours, there are worrying localised issues which lead to poor air quality.

EPA Climate Change Lecture Series - An evening with Professor Michael Mann

Date released: November 12, 2021

Professor Michael Mann will present the next EPA Climate Change Lecture which will take place virtually on Monday 15th November at 7pm. This lecture forms part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action.

Unacceptable delays and the pace at which essential improvements in waste water treatment are being delivered is too slow, says EPA

Date released: November 02, 2021

The EPA report on Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2020, released today, shows that the pace at which essential improvements in waste water treatment are being delivered is too slow. Irish Water is making progress in resolving environmental issues and the number of priority areas has reduced from 148 to 97 over the past four years. However, there is still a long way to go to bring all deficient treatment systems up to standard.

Pandemic restrictions, less peat and more wind energy lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions in 2020

Date released: October 21, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its provisional greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland for 2020. The figures show a reduction in emissions of 3.6 per cent compared to 2019, which although significant, is 0.4 per cent less than the reduction seen in 2019.

The protection of public health is of paramount importance in the provision of our public drinking water supplies, says EPA

Date released: September 17, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wrote to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage this week to advise of its’ concerns in relation to incidents at two drinking water treatment plants. EPA investigations at these plants revealed the abject failure of managerial oversight, operational control and responsiveness by Irish Water and local authorities in terms of their respective roles to deliver safe and secure drinking water.

EPA publishes Green Public Procurement: Guidance for the Public Sector

Date released: September 15, 2021

Ossian Smyth TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Public Procurement and eGovernment at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) and with special responsibility for Communications and Circular Economy at the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), today launched the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Green Public Procurement: Guidance for the Public Sector at the EPA’s online Circular Economy Conference 2021.

More packaging waste, falling recycling rates for plastic and a heavy reliance on export mean that Ireland is missing opportunities to foster a circular economy.

Date released: September 09, 2021

The EPA has today published its latest figures on packaging waste in Ireland. They indicate that Ireland generated over 1.1 million tonnes of packaging waste in 2019, up 11 per cent on 2018.

Know Your NO₂: Become a Citizen Scientist and measure air pollution in Dublin

Date released: August 23, 2021

Today the EPA and the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce launched a Citizen Science project to gather new data on the quality of the air we breathe in Dublin. The Clean Air Together project is looking for 1,000 Dublin citizens to help measure air pollution in their local area.

The evidence is clear, global climate change means Ireland is warmer and wetter

Date released: August 11, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Met Éireann (MÉ) and the Marine Institute (MI) have published a report on “The Status of Ireland’s Climate”.

EPA statement on the publication of the IPCC Working Group 1 report: 9th August 2021

Date released: August 09, 2021

The EPA welcomes the publication of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report reaffirms and strengthens the findings in the previous reports on the human impacts on climate change.

EPA announces draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2021-2027 is now open for public consultation.

Date released: July 16, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published the draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2001-2007 and associated Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment. These documents are open for public consultation until 17 September 2021.

Urgent action needed to curb nitrogen pollution in Ireland’s waters, says EPA

Date released: July 14, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Water Quality in 2020: An Indicators Report which provides an assessment of the quality of Ireland’s rivers, lakes, estuaries and groundwaters.

Stretch out and save €700 this summer, says EPA

Date released: July 08, 2021

As the country prepares for an outdoor summer of picnics and barbeques, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched a new campaign to encourage people to reduce their food waste, highlighting simple food storage steps to make their fresh food last longer.

Fixing septic tanks that fail inspection is a priority, says EPA

Date released: June 29, 2021

The EPA today released the report Domestic Waste Water Treatment System Inspections 2020. This is a review of 809 inspections of septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems in 2020.

EPA survey highlights need for everyone to do a simple radon test in their homes

Date released: June 24, 2021

A survey exploring Irish attitudes towards radiation found that 28 per cent of people are concerned about radiation. In Ireland, radon accounts for more than half of our radiation exposure.

Ireland will not meet its 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Action is needed now to meet 2030 EU targets

Date released: June 22, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its Greenhouse Gas emissions projections for the period 2020-2040, which will form part of the discussions at the EPA Climate Conference taking place tomorrow.

EPA announces €625,000 funding opportunity for innovative Irish businesses in the Circular Economy

Date released: June 17, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today launches its €625,000 funding opportunity for Irish enterprises to innovate, demonstrate and implement circular economy approaches in their business models.

Ireland continues to be in non-compliance with the EU National Emissions Ceiling Directive

Date released: June 03, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published a compliance assessment for emissions of five key air pollutants which impact air quality, health and the environment.

New Website Helps People Make Informed Environmental Choices

Date released: June 01, 2021

In the lead up to World Environment Day on the 5th June, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched its new website

€10.5 million funding for research to support the development and implementation of environmental policies in Ireland

Date released: May 19, 2021

The EPA is seeking proposals from the research community to help address climate change and other emerging and complex environmental problems.

Bathing water quality continues to improve but pollution incidents affect some beaches

Date released: May 12, 2021

The EPA has today published the Bathing Water in Ireland report for 2020 which sets out the quality of bathing water at our beaches.

EPA Climate Change Lecture Series - New climate leadership for a low carbon, climate resilient and inclusive world

Date released: April 28, 2021

Dr Edward Cameron is presenting an EPA Climate Change Lecture at the Mansion House on Friday evening (18 May 2019) as part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action. In this public lecture, Dr Cameron will discuss the importance of climate leadership as we transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and inclusive world.

The story of disposable face masks – video claims top prize in the EPA’s The Story of Your Stuff 2021 competition

Date released: April 21, 2021

A video that creatively examines the environmental life cycle of disposable face masks has won the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) The Story of Your Stuff 2021 competition.

New Director Joins EPA Board

Date released: April 19, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to welcome Sharon Finegan onto the EPA Board. Sharon took up her new position as Director of the Office of Environmental Sustainability on the 19 April 2021.

LIFE EMERALD – Improving Our Understanding of Ireland’s Air Quality

Date released: April 14, 2021

The EPA has commenced work on a new 3-year EU part funded project entitled LIFE Emerald - “Emissions Modelling and Forecasting of Air in Ireland”. The project proposes to greatly improve publicly available air quality information and raise awareness around the topic of Irish air quality.

Ireland’s power generation and industrial emissions drop by 6.4 percent in 2020

Date released: April 13, 2021

The EPA, as the Competent Authority in Ireland for the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), today released its preliminary analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in 2020.

More action is needed by Local Authorities to protect Air and Water Quality warns EPA

Date released: March 11, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today released its report on local authority environmental enforcement activities for 2019.

EPA Climate Change Lecture: Direct the Money- How does finance drive a climate neutral economy and society?

Date released: February 23, 2021

Dr Kirsten Dunlop, Chief Executive EIT Climate-KIC will present the next EPA Climate Change Lecture, as part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action. This virtual event will take place on Wednesday 24th February at 7.15pm.

EPA continued to provide essential environmental enforcement activities during the Covid-19 pandemic using innovative approaches

Date released: February 17, 2021

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its annual summary report on the enforcement activities carried out in 2020, along with the list of sites which were designated as a National Priority Site during the year.

EPA survey shows 84 per cent of people say access to nature was important for mental health in 2020

Date released: February 12, 2021

The EPA today published its 2020 Year in Review report which highlights key activities throughout the year

Athbhreithniú an GCC ar an mBliain, 2020

Date released: February 12, 2021

D’fhoilsigh an GCC a thuarascáil Athbhreithniú an GCC ar an mBliain, 2020 inniu, ina leagtar béim ar phríomhghníomhaíochtaí le linn na bliana.

The quality of drinking water in private water supplies is not good enough and is putting health at risk warns EPA

Date released: February 11, 2021

The EPA today released the Drinking Water Quality in Private Supplies 2019 report. One million people in Ireland get their drinking water from a private supply and many more drink water from small private supplies like hotels, pubs and restaurants, crèches, nursing homes and national schools in their daily lives.

Ireland’s 2020 greenhouse gas emissions estimated almost 6 per cent lower due to the pandemic

Date released: January 29, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) have jointly released an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2020. The estimates show a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of almost 6 per cent in 2020 compared to 2019.

Investigating the long-term impacts of everyday decisions at heart of EPA second-level schools’ competition – The Story of Your Stuff

Date released: January 13, 2021

The EPA today launched The Story of Your Stuff, a competition aimed at secondary school students, which seeks to empower young people to make environmentally conscious decisions about their everyday ‘stuff’ and activities.

Recent trends in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in air (Ireland)

Date released: December 17, 2020

The dominant source of the pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in our air is traffic. The EPA has carried out an analysis of ambient nitrogen dioxide at its national monitoring stations for the year to date.

EPA publishes 2019 Annual Report and Accounts

Date released: December 17, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2019 which highlights delivery of its role as a regulator, knowledge provider and advocate for the environment.

Ireland’s Water Quality Needs to be Better Protected

Date released: December 14, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published the Water Quality Indicators Report 2019 which provides an assessment on Ireland’s surface water and groundwater quality.

Ireland’s generation of hazardous waste continues to rise, says EPA. EPA Publishes 2019 Hazardous waste Figures

Date released: December 11, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today published its latest hazardous waste figures for Ireland. Hazardous waste includes ash produced by waste to energy facilities, contaminated soils and chemicals.

'Environmental Resilience' A new lecture series from the EPA and IIEA

Date released: December 01, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) are delighted to announce a new lecture series on ‘Environmental Resilience’ which will begin this Friday, 4th December.

Níl caighdeán foriomlán chomhshaol na hÉireann san áit ar chóir dó a bheith, agus níl cuma dhearfach ar a bhfuil i ndán dó mura gcuirimid dlús le gníomh

Date released: November 24, 2020

Tugtar le fios i gComhshaol na hÉireann: Measúnú Comhtháite 2020 go bhfuil dúshláin sheasmhacha agus chórasacha ag cur brú ar an gcomhshaol agus níor réitíodh go fóill iad.

The overall quality of Ireland’s environment is not what it should be, and the outlook is not optimistic unless we accelerate action

Date released: November 24, 2020

Ireland’s Environment: An Integrated Assessment 2020 reveals that enduring and systemic challenges are putting pressure on the environment and remain to be solved. These cut across different environmental topics such as climate, air, soil, water, biodiversity and waste, and across organisations and sectors, business and all levels of society.

Greenhouse gas emissions decrease as coal and peat in electricity is phased out

Date released: November 19, 2020

The EPA, as the competent authority for reporting Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions, has today published its provisional greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland for 2019.

Food Waste is robbing you blind: freeze your food before its use-by date to save money and reduce global greenhouse emissions

Date released: November 17, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched a new campaign to encourage people to take a simple action to reduce food waste, by freezing surplus food before its use-by date.

‘Uncertainty and delays in delivering critical wastewater infrastructure is undermining confidence and prolonging risks to public’ – EPA

Date released: November 11, 2020

The EPA report on Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2019, released today, highlights that delays in upgrading treatment systems around the country are prolonging risks to the environment and public health.

Covid-19 and Global Carbon Emissions: A glimpse of the challenge of reaching the Paris climate commitments

Date released: November 10, 2020

Dr Josep (Pep) Canadell, the Chief Research Scientist in CSIRO Climate Science Centre and the Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project, will present the next EPA Climate Change Lecture, as part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action.

Conference on Environmental Law Enforcement: Emerging Challenges

Date released: November 09, 2020

The conference Environmental Law Enforcement: Emerging Challenges 2020 will take place on Wednesday 11th November. The conference, is co-hosted by the EPA and the Irish Centre for European Law (ICEL)

European Radon Day: EPA urges people to test their homes for cancer-causing radon gas

Date released: November 06, 2020

On European Radon Day, 7th November, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is calling on all householders to test their homes for this cancer-causing radioactive gas.

EPA finds that half of all complaints received during first nine months of 2020 were in relation to activities at four licensed industrial and waste sites

Date released: October 19, 2020

The EPA today published the latest National Priority Sites List, and also published updated information on the enforcement activities of the EPA during the first nine months of 2020.

Using green and blue spaces will benefit both your physical and mental health

Date released: October 08, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Health Service Executive (HSE) will launch the key findings from jointly-funded research projects on the benefits of green and blue spaces to health and wellbeing at a joint Webinar today.

Unwrapping Ireland’s food waste: Bread is Ireland’s most wasted food, with 41% of people reporting they throw away bread

Date released: September 29, 2020

New findings from an EPA survey, show food waste is a high priority in Irish households, with 54% of those surveyed reporting this issue as a concern to them. The survey shows that people have a strong sense of their role in preventing food waste and expect retailers; restaurants; and manufacturers to act on food waste.

Transport emissions result in an exceedance of an EU limit for air pollution in Dublin

Date released: September 24, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today launched its annual Air Quality Report 2019, coinciding with World Lung Day. The report shows that, while air quality in Ireland is generally good and compares favourably with many of our European neighbours, there are worrying localised issues.

New Director Joins EPA Board

Date released: September 16, 2020

The EPA is pleased to welcome Dr Ciara McMahon onto the EPA Board. Dr McMahon took up her new position as Director on 15th September 2020.

High Consumption and throwaway culture must be tackled by business, policymakers and people, says EPA

Date released: September 16, 2020

Levels of municipal waste generation in Ireland continue to be closely linked to high consumption levels, as well as a single-use and throwaway culture, according to the EPA's National Waste Statistics Report for 2018, which includes the most recent official data on waste generation and management in Ireland.

Fostering a circular economy is critically important in terms of Ireland’s green recovery, says EPA

Date released: August 21, 2020

The EPA today released the 2019 Annual Report on the National Waste Prevention Programme (NWPP) – a Government of Ireland initiative led by the EPA. The report highlights the activities carried out during 2019 to support and promote Ireland’s transition to a circular economy.

Ireland’s packaging recycling rates going in wrong direction says EPA

Date released: July 30, 2020

The EPA has today published its latest figures on waste packaging in Ireland. They indicate that Ireland continues to generate significant amounts of waste packaging, amounting to just over 1 million tonnes in 2018 remaining unchanged since 2017.  Packaging includes paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, wood and metal packaging.

EPA welcomes new septic tank grant scheme as over 50% of systems fail inspection

Date released: July 20, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency today reported on 1,160 Local Authority inspections of septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems in 2019. The EPA found that more than half of the systems failed inspection.

Complaints against licensed industrial and waste sites increased significantly during first six months of 2020 says EPA

Date released: July 16, 2020

The EPA today published the most recent National Priority Sites List, as well as updated information on the enforcement activities of the EPA during the first six months of 2020.

Recent trends in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in air (Ireland)

Date released: July 10, 2020

Recent trends in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in air (Ireland)

Targeted climate and environmental actions needed for long term improvement says EPA

Date released: July 08, 2020

The EPA has today published its Greenhouse Gas emissions projections for the period 2019-2040.

While the quality of drinking water in public supplies remains high, supplies to over 1 million people are vulnerable to failure, says EPA Director General

Date released: July 07, 2020

The EPA Drinking Water Quality in Public Supplies Report 2019 released today shows that the quality of drinking water in public supplies remains high with 99.9% compliance with bacterial limits and 99.6% compliance with chemical limits.

EPA announces €600,000 green stimulus fund for innovators & SMEs

Date released: June 10, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today launches a €600,000 funding opportunity for Irish innovators to develop and demonstrate business-ready solutions for the circular economy.

Ireland’s ammonia emissions continue to rise and exceed EU limit

Date released: June 04, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published figures for emissions of five key air pollutants which impact air quality, health and the environment. The pollutants are: ammonia, non-methane volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.

Recent trends in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in air (Ireland)

Date released: May 26, 2020

Recent trends in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in air (Ireland)

EPA report shows on-going improvement in bathing water quality.Three new bathing waters classified as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ in latest assessment

Date released: May 26, 2020

The EPA has today published the Bathing Water in Ireland report for 2019 which sets out the quality of bathing water at our beaches. Overall, bathing water quality improved across the country in 2019, although quality did decline at some locations.

Ireland’s power generation and industrial emissions drop by 8.7 percent in 2019

Date released: April 22, 2020

The EPA, as the Competent Authority in Ireland for the EU Emissions Trading System, has today published details of greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, for companies in the system.

Recent trends in air pollution trend in Ireland

Date released: April 09, 2020

All hourly air quality data is on the EPA website - nitrogen dioxide is the pollutant of interest from traffic and we know reduced traffic congestion should decrease the levels of this pollutant.

EPA to postpone oral hearing on proposed licence for Irish Cement, Limerick due to COVID-19

Date released: April 07, 2020

The EPA has decided to postpone the oral hearing to examine the objections and concerns raised in relation to the proposed licence issued to Irish Cement Limited, Castlemungret, Limerick, Co. Limerick

Ireland produces over half a million tonnes of hazardous waste annually, says EPA

Date released: March 11, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency has today published its latest hazardous waste figures for Ireland. The figures show that the amount of hazardous waste generated in Ireland continues to grow, with over 500,000 tonnes of hazardous waste generated in Ireland in 2018, up over 90,000 tonnes in a year.

EPA to hold an oral hearing to examine objections and concerns in relation to proposed licence for Irish Cement, Limerick

Date released: March 04, 2020

The EPA has decided to hold an Oral Hearing to examine the objections and concerns raised in relation to the proposed licence issued to Irish Cement Limited, Castlemungret, Limerick, Co. Limerick (Reg. No. P0029-06) on the 18th of September 2019. The hearing will be held in Limerick during May 2020.

EPA publishes report on leaks from ESB Networks Fluid Filled Underground Electricity Cables

Date released: February 26, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today published a report on its investigation into leaks from fluid filled underground electricity cables. The cable leaks were highlighted in an RTE Investigates programme entitled ‘The ESB Leaks’, which was broadcast on the 5th June 2019 and repeated on the 9th January 2020.

Derval O’Rourke announced as ambassador for EPA's The Story of Your Stuff competition

Date released: February 25, 2020

UCD’s Earth Institute to host finale and prize-giving event The EPA has today announced that World Champion and Olympic hurdler, Derval O’Rourke will be this year’s ambassador for its national competition for second-level students, ‘The Story of Your Stuff’. The EPA is again partnering with the UCD Earth Institute, who will host the finale showcase event on 3rd April 2020 when competition finalists and their classmates will participate in a special programme of events, and meet Ms O’Rourke who will deliver a keynote speech.

EPA survey indicates most people have taken steps to help the environment

Date released: February 20, 2020

Research commissioned by the EPA to coincide with the publication of its EPA 2019 Year in Review report found that 78 per cent of people surveyed said they have personally taken steps to help the environment, and that 87 per cent of adults in Ireland recognise the importance of the environment as an asset to the country. The Red C poll carried out in January 2020 explored attitudes towards environmental issues.

Delivering trusted and relevant knowledge to inform environmental policy: EPA announces €10 million Government of Ireland funding for new environmental research

Date released: February 11, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced awards totalling €10 million to fund vital new environmental research.

EPA Climate Change Lecture Series: The Green Deal: Delivering a Climate-Neutral Europe

Date released: February 05, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency is hosting Dr Artur Runge-Metzger, Director of DG Climate Action of the EU Commission, to speak as part of the EPA Climate Lecture Series on Thursday 6th February.

EPA commences online publication of enforcement data. Findings show overall good compliance at EPA licensed industrial and waste sites

Date released: February 04, 2020

The EPA has today commenced the publication of key data on industrial and waste licence enforcement on the EPA website.

Local authority environmental enforcement activities are increasing, but challenges remain in waste, farm and air quality inspections

Date released: January 21, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today released its report on local authority environmental enforcement performance for 2018.

Hey, what’s the Story of Your Stuff? EPA invites second-level students to consider the environmental impact of everyday items and consumption decision

Date released: January 16, 2020

The Story of Your Stuff competition combines creativity and science, giving students the chance to win €500 for themselves and €500 for their school, alongside a new Climate Topic Prize

EPA warns that poorly constructed wells and inadequate monitoring of private water supplies are putting health at risk

Date released: January 15, 2020

A report focusing on the quality of private water supplies in Ireland for 2018 was released today by the EPA.

EPA publishes 2018 Annual Report and Accounts

Date released: December 12, 2019

The EPA today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2018 which highlights delivery of its role as a regulator, knowledge provider and advocate for the environment.

River water quality is deteriorating, finds EPA

Date released: December 09, 2019

Assessment shows only 53% of our surface water bodies have satisfactory water quality

European Environment Agency’s state of environment report outlines the scale and urgency of environmental challenges facing Europe

Date released: December 04, 2019

The European Environment Agency (EEA) today launched its State of the Environment Report 2020, “European Environment — state and outlook report” (SOER 2020). The EPA welcomes this report, which provides an overview of the state of Europe’s environment.

€700m secured by EPA to provide for environmental liabilities

Date released: December 02, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the guidance document EPA Approach to Environmental Liabilities and Financial Provision.

Reducing Food Waste is the Climate Action you can do three times a day

Date released: November 25, 2019

Reducing food waste is one of the most effective actions you can take to address climate change – it’s simple, it’s free and makes a real difference

Environmental Law Enforcement: Emerging Challenges 2019

Date released: November 22, 2019

The Director General of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Laura Burke; and the Chief Justice of Ireland, the Hon Mr Justice Frank Clarke, will provide the opening addresses at an environmental law conference on Monday, 25th November in Dublin.

EPA publishes Junior Cert resource pack on reducing food waste to tackle climate change

Date released: November 21, 2019

The EPA has produced an educational resource pack to support over 20,000 Junior Certificate students to learn about sustainable living through the Home Economics curriculum.

Facing up to Climate Change: Where next for Climate Science?

Date released: November 19, 2019

Dame Professor Julia Slingo will present the next EPA Climate Change Lecture as part of the National Dialogue on Climate Action.

Repeated delays in the elimination of raw sewage are unacceptable and pose a risk to our environment and public health.

Date released: November 13, 2019

The EPA report on Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2018, released today, shows there have been some improvements in waste water treatment in the past year, including the elimination of discharges of raw sewage from two areas.

EPA statement following audit at Leixlip water treatment plant, 8th November.

Date released: November 08, 2019

Irish Water, in consultation with the HSE, issued a precautionary boil water notice to over 600,000 people supplied by Leixlip Water Treatment Plant on the 4th November. Since then Irish Water and Fingal County Council have been working to resolve the operational issues that gave rise to the Boil Water Notice.

EPA warns that failure to carry out remediation work after testing high for radon gas is a serious health risk

Date released: November 07, 2019

On European Radon Day today, Thursday 7th November, the EPA is calling on all householders - to take action to protect themselves and their families. In these homes, remedial action should be carried out as a matter of urgency to reduce exposure to radon.

EPA statement on boil water notice relating to Leixlip water treatment plant issued

Date released: November 04, 2019

Irish Water, in consultation with HSE, has issued a precautionary boil water notice on the Leixlip water treatment plant.

Environmental Protection Agency audit report on Incident at Leixlip Water Treatment Plant

Date released: October 30, 2019

The EPA’s report of the audit undertaken at Leixlip Water Treatment Plant on Thursday 24th October 2019 is now available on the EPA website.

Ireland exceeds its emissions budget by 5 million tonnes and moves further from climate commitments

Date released: October 23, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as the competent authority for reporting Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions, has today published its provisional greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland for 2018. The figures show Ireland exceeded its emissions budget for the third year running, but had a marginal decrease of 0.2 % (0.14 Mt CO2eq) with total national emissions estimated at 60.5 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2 eq).

EPA’s latest National Priority Sites for Enforcement List sees number of National Priority Sites increase to Seven

Date released: October 17, 2019

The EPA has published the latest National Priority Sites List for Enforcement for March-September 2019. Seven sites (below) are on the latest list for failing to meet the necessary environmental standards. These companies face further enforcement action.

Challenges to the environment and public health require aggressive, coherent and urgent action for a better future

Date released: October 02, 2019

Ireland is living beyond its carbon and environmental means If we begin to start the necessary change now, we can also start to imagine a better future EPA‘s body of scientific evidence serves as a national asset for the public good.

World Lung Day – Irish air quality is not meeting the World Health Organization’s guideline values for health

Date released: September 25, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today launched its annual Air Quality report, on World Lung Day. The report shows that while air quality complied with the legal limits, the World Health Organization’s health-related guideline values were not met.

EPA issues a Proposed Determination on a revised licence to Irish Cement Limited

Date released: September 19, 2019

The EPA has today issued a Proposed Determination on a revised licence to Irish Cement Limited, Castlemungret, Limerick, Co. Limerick for the continued operation of a cement manufacturing plant and an associated inert landfill at Castlemungret, Co. Limerick (Reg. No. P0029-06).

Inadequate treatment & infrastructure at drinking water plants put public health at risk from Cryptosporidium

Date released: September 09, 2019

The EPA Drinking Water Quality in Public Supplies Report 2018, released today, shows that the quality of drinking water in public supplies remains high with 99.9% compliance with microbiological parameters and 99.6% compliance with chemical parameters. However, the report highlights that the incidence of Cryptosporidium detections has increased in the past three years, posing a serious risk to human health.

EPA publishes industrial pollutant emissions data

Date released: August 22, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published environmental data today on Ireland’s national pollutant and transfer register. This is a public register of pollutant releases and waste transfers from large industrial activities in Ireland. The information supports EU-wide reporting through the European Commission’s e-Register website which contains data reported annually by more than 34,000 industrial facilities across 33 European Countries.

Overall good levels of compliance at licensed industrial and waste sites. EPA continues to focus on a small number of problematic sites

Date released: July 18, 2019

The EPA has today published its Industrial and Waste Licence Enforcement Report 2018. The report gives details of compliance levels and enforcement activities across the 800+ licensed facilities in 2018. The EPA has also published the latest National Priority Sites List for Enforcement today.

New figures show that further measures will be needed to ensure that packaging recycling levels don’t stagnate

Date released: July 16, 2019

The EPA has today published information about waste packaging management in 2017. The figures indicate that the generation of waste packaging - including glass, paper, plastics and wood – remained high in 2017. In addition, while recycling rates were high for some waste streams, including glass and wood, recycling levels have levelled off over the last number of years.

EPA Statement: ESB Lough Ree Power

Date released: July 11, 2019

There is a prosecution on-going against ESB Lough Ree Power following a non-compliance with Condition 5.5 of their IE licence for the period May to August 2018.

High levels of Food Waste identified in Irish food businesses

Date released: July 10, 2019

Action to reduce food waste brings climate benefits and cuts costs – including potential savings of over €300M per year for Ireland’s hospitality sector.

Nitrogen Dioxide levels in Dublin, due to traffic, pose a public health risk

Date released: July 08, 2019

Studies showing that many areas in Dublin have high levels of the air pollutant Nitrogen Dioxide. Levels are highest at urban traffic locations with some locations at risk of exceeding the statutory EU limit for Nitrogen Dioxide. If further studies confirm that the levels of Nitrogen Dioxide have been exceeded, local authorities in Dublin and its suburbs will be required to prepare air quality action plans for the Dublin area.

Malfunctioning septic tanks systems are posing risks to people's health and the environment

Date released: July 02, 2019

Nearly half of septic tank systems failed inspection in 2017 and 2018, posing a risk to human health and the environment. Householders need to fix malfunctioning septic tank systems. The Government’s proposed expanded septic tank grant scheme is welcome as part of addressing the issue.

Malfunctioning septic tanks systems are posing risks to people's health and the environment

Date released: July 02, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency today released a review of over 2,000 inspections of septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems in 2017 and 2018.

There’s more to food waste than wasted food - National Stop Food Waste Week, 12- 19 June

Date released: June 12, 2019

The EPA is leading a National Stop Food Waste Week campaign to highlight issues and raise awareness on food waste, from 12-19 June. Globally, one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption is lost or wasted and every year people in Ireland waste over one million tonnes of food. The campaign aims to motivate people across Ireland to make real changes in how they use the food they buy.

EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Projections show that Ireland has more to do to meet its 2030 targets

Date released: June 06, 2019

Ireland faces significant challenges in meeting EU 2030 reduction targets for Greenhouse Gases. Progress in achieving targets is dependent on the level of implementation of current and future plans. Agriculture emissions are projected to increase with an expansion of animal numbers. Continued growth in emissions from the transport sector is projected in the short term, largely due to fuel consumption from diesel cars and diesel freight. Fossil fuels such as coal, peat and gas continue to be key contributors to emissions from the power generation sector

EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Projections show that Ireland has more to do to meet its 2030 targets

Date released: June 06, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency, as the competent authority for reporting Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions projections, has today published its updated Greenhouse Gas Projections for the period 2018-2040. The figures continue to highlight a significant gap to meeting Ireland’s EU Effort Sharing targets, regarding 2020 and 2030 commitment periods.

EPA welcomes improvements in bathing waters though more action is required at a small number of beaches

Date released: May 30, 2019

The 2018 EPA Bathing Water report, published today, sets out bathing water quality during the long hot summer of 2018. Overall, 94 per cent of the 145 identified bathing waters met the minimum EU standards last year, with over 100 beaches classified as Excellent. Three new bathing waters, Dooey and Magheraroarty in Donegal and Seafield Quilty in Clare, were classified for the first time in 2018. All three were classified as Excellent.

Tackling Climate Change and other major environmental challenges – EPA Research Call to provide €10.2 million for new research

Date released: May 08, 2019

The EPA is seeking proposals from the research community to help identify solutions to climate change and other emerging and complex environmental problems. With up to €10.2 million available for new research projects, to be awarded in 2019 and 2020, the Research Call is divided into three strands: Climate & Air, Environmental Sustainability, and Water.

Radon in workplaces – new legislation requires employers in high radon areas to test for this cancer-causing gas

Date released: May 08, 2019

New radiation protection legislation requires all employers in high radon areas to test their workplace for the radioactive gas radon. Where levels are above the national reference level of 300 Becquerel per metre cubed, employers are then required to carry out work to reduce these levels.

Emissions of Ammonia continue to rise: Ireland's air pollutant emissions on the wrong pathway for cleaner air

Date released: May 07, 2019

The EPA today published figures for emissions of five key air pollutants. These pollutants impact environment and health contributing to respiratory problems and pollution of soil, surface water and vegetation.

Emissions of Ammonia continue to rise: Ireland's air pollutant emissions on the wrong pathway for cleaner air

Date released: May 07, 2019

The EPA today published figures for emissions of five key air pollutants. These pollutants impact environment and health contributing to respiratory problems and pollution of soil, surface water and vegetation.

Minister Bruton launches fund for Circular Economy Innovators - €600,000 available under the EPA’s National Waste Prevention Programme

Date released: April 30, 2019

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton T.D. today launched a €600,000 funding opportunity for novel approaches to promote the circular economy, maximise resource efficiency and reduce waste.

EPA publishes latest National Priority Sites for Enforcement List

Date released: April 18, 2019

The EPA has published the latest National Priority Sites List for Enforcement today, for October 2018 to March 2019. The EPA will update the National Priority Sites list on a quarterly basis.

Video exploring the life cycle of toothbrushes wins EPA ‘The Story of Your Stuff 2019’ competition

Date released: April 09, 2019

A project that creatively explores the life cycle of toothbrushes has won the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s ‘The Story of Your Stuff 2019’ competition. The video entry by Shurooq Azam, Aldiana Hoxha, Kar Cong Leong and Tomi Ayibiowu, students of Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School, Dublin 15, examines the history and manufacturing process of toothbrushes, explores the environmental impact of improper disposal and highlights eco-friendly alternatives.

Ireland’s EU Emissions Trading Scheme greenhouse gas emissions drop by 8.2 percent in 2018

Date released: April 05, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency, as competent Authority in Ireland for the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, has today published details of greenhouse gas emissions in 2018 for companies in the Scheme. Emissions from Irish power generation and industrial companies in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme fell by 8.2 per cent in 2018 (i.e.,1.4 million tonnes) as compared to a decrease of approximately 4 per cent across Europe.

Majority of adults value the environment, while climate change is seen as the most pressing environmental issue in Ireland

Date released: February 28, 2019

An overwhelming majority of adults (86%) recognise the value of the environment to the people of Ireland, recent research conducted on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found. The EPA released the findings to coincide with the launch of its EPA 2018 in Review report. The Red C poll in November 2018 explored attitudes towards environmental issues.

EPA partners with UCD for ‘The Story of Your Stuff 2019’ competition finale event for second-level students

Date released: February 27, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today announced that it will hold a national finale and prize-giving event for ‘The Story of Your Stuff’ competition at University College Dublin (UCD)’s O’Brien Centre for Science on 09 April. The EPA also announced that this year’s competition ambassador is Cork-based environmental scientist, Dr Tara Shine.

EPA publishes latest National Priority Sites for Enforcement List

Date released: January 25, 2019

The EPA has published the latest National Priority Sites List for Enforcement today. Eight sites are on the latest list for failing to meet the necessary environmental standards and these companies face further enforcement action from the EPA to secure compliance.

Research to help deliver a low carbon, sustainable and healthy future

Date released: January 23, 2019

The EPA has announced awards totalling €12.2 million to fund new environmental research projects. The EPA environmental research programme is a Government of Ireland initiative, funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment.

EPA invites students to explore their impact on the environment in The Story of Your Stuff 2019 competition

Date released: January 16, 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is encouraging second-level students to creatively trace the life cycle of their everyday items and tell its story. The call comes as part of the EPA’s The Story of Your Stuff 2019 competition, which was launched today.

The EPA launches strategic partnership with the Rediscovery Centre

Date released: January 16, 2019

The EPA today announced a three-year strategic partnership with the Rediscovery Centre, the National Centre for the Circular Economy.