Year: 2024
The EPA has revised Guidance Note for Noise (NG4) and the draft guidance document is now available for public consultation. Should you wish to make a submission, please submit your comments to with the subject line ‘NG4’. The consultation period is open until Friday 28/02/2025.
Year: 2020
Short infographic outlining the salient points about noise and health
Year: 2020
The objective of this advice note is to provide practical information, advice and guidance to noise mapping bodies on the various steps involved in the collection, collation and reporting of the Round 4 road datasets to the EPA.
Updated sections (June 2018), June 2018
Year: 2018
The objective of the original Guidance note (July 2009) was to provide practical information, advice and guidance to designated Action Planning Authorities on the development of noise action plans under the Environmental Noise Regulations, and reporting of the plans to the EPA.
Revised Section 10: Mapping Methodology for Exposure Assessment - Post Processing and Analysis (October 2017), November 2017
Year: 2017
The objective of the original Guidance note (version 2, August 2011) was to provide practical information, advice and guidance to designated Noise Mapping Bodies on the development of strategic noise maps under the Environmental Noise Regulations, and reporting of results to the EPA.
Year: 2016
The NG4 guidance note was originally published in 2012, and this current update to NG4 was published in 2016. This revised Noise Guidance Note (NG4) is intended to assist licensed sites with the assessment of their potential and actual noise impact on the local environment. In all cases this revised version of NG4 should be applied by licensees and consultants.
Year: 2011
A “major road” is defined as a road with an annual total bi-directional flow during 2016 above 3,000,000 vehicle passages per year, approximately 8,220 vehicle passages per average 24 hours.
Year: 2011
Guidance note on the development of strategic noise maps under the Environmental Noise Regulations.
Year: 2011
This Guidance Note is intended to allow IPPC or waste licence holders to determine if their own sites are suitable for wind turbine development with respect to noise nuisance.
Year: 2009
Guidance note on the development of noise action plans under the Environmental Noise Regulations