
Bainisteoir Cláir – Airgeadas, Bainistíocht Saoráidí agus Clár Inbhuanaitheachta

Uimhir Phoist: 000428, July 2024

Year: 2024

Tá Bainisteoir Cláir á earcú ag an EPA a bheidh freagrach as ceannaireacht agus bainistiú Chlár Airgeadais, Bainistíochta Saoráidí agus Inbhuanaitheachta an EPA san Oifig Cumarsáide agus Seirbhísí Corparáideacha.


Oifigeach Eolaíochta II (Leibhéal 4) Ceimiceoir Anailíseach

Uimhir Phoist: 000429, July 2024

Year: 2024

Comhlíonfaidh na hiarrthóirí rathúla ról Oifigeach Eolaíochta II (Leibhéal 4) Ceimiceoir Anailíseach i mBaile Átha Cliath, ag dul isteach i bhfoirne ardfheidhmíochta d’anailísithe i saotharlanna nua-aimseartha na ceimice uisce agus monatóireachta radaíochta san Oifig um Chosaint Radaíochta agus Monatóireacht Timpeallachta.


Programme Manager – Finance, Facilities Management and Sustainability Programme

Post Number: 000428, July 2024

Year: 2024

The EPA is recruiting a Programme Manager (Level 1) who will be responsible for the leadership and management of the EPA’s Finance, Facilities Management and Sustainability Programme in the Office of Communications and Corporate Services.


Scientific Officer II (Level 4)Analytical Chemist

Post No. 000429, July 2024

Year: 2024

The successful candidates will fulfil the role of Scientific Officer II (Level 4) Analytical Chemist in Dublin, joining high-performance teams of analysts in modern water chemistry and radiation monitoring laboratories in the Office of Radiation Protection and Environmental Monitoring.

Purchase Orders Quarter 2 2024 Over €20k

Year: 2024

The public sector reform plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of value greater than €20,000. The EPA purchase orders over €20,000 for Quarter 2 2024.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the National Risk Assessment 2024: Overview of Strategic Risks (EPA Ref: EPAC-0624)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Taoiseach on the National Risk Assessment 2024: Overview of Strategic Risks.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on Ireland’s draft updated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (EPA Ref: EPAC-0824)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s draft updated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030.

FOI Disclosure Log to end June 2024

Details of non-personal requests received under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, April 2024

Year: 2024

Details of non-personal requests received under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, published on a quarterly basis.

Purchase Orders Quarter 1 2024 Over €20k

The public sector reform plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of value greater than €20,000. The EPA purchase orders over €20,000 for Quarter 1 2024., April 2024

Year: 2024

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the draft Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement (EPA Ref: EPAC-0524)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on the draft Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement.

EPA submission: Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2024

This is the EPA submission on the Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report.

Environmental Protection Agency Internal Environmental Policy Statement

Year: 2024

The purpose of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect, improve and restore our environment through regulation, scientific knowledge and working with others. Our vision is that we live sustainably in a healthy environment that is valued and protected by all.

Climate Action Roadmap 2023

Year: 2024

This Climate Action Roadmap 2023 demonstrates our continued commitment and efforts undertaken to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our core functions and activities. Our Roadmap outlines the further progress that we have made and places focus on future plans to meet our public sector energy efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets in accordance with the Climate Action Plan.

EPA Public Contracts Awarded July to December 2023

EPA Register of Public Contracts Awarded, April 2024

Year: 2024

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Review of the National Adaptation Framework (EPA Ref: EPAC-0224)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on the review of the National Adaptation Framework.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on Ireland’s Draft National Energy and Climate Plan (EPA Ref: EPAC-0424)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s Draft National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030.

Protected Disclosures Annual Report 2023

Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (as amended) requires the publication of an Annual Report each year relating to the number of protected disclosures made in the preceding year and any actions taken in response to such disclosures., March 2024

Year: 2024

EPA submission: Public Consultation on Ireland’s draft National Biomethane Strategy (EPA Ref: EPAC-0324)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s draft National Biomethane Strategy.
