ELP Summary Statistics

A Summary of key EPA Authorisation Statistics in Infographic Format

A summary of licensing and authorisation statistics for Quarter 2, 2024, July 2024

Year: 2024

Solid Fuel Register (2024-2025)

A list of registered solid fuel producers, for the period 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025 will be available shortly. , July 2024

Year: 2024

Solid Fuel Register

A list of registered solid fuel producers, for the period 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024, June 2024

Year: 2024

Guidance for Application Fees payable for IE, IPC and Waste License Applications

Year: 2024

Applicant guidance for licence application fee for IE, IPC and Waste licensing regimes. The guidance outlines: 1. The criteria to determine fees payable for activities listed under the EPA and Waste Management Acts; 2. The schedule of fees payable for activities as per the relevant licensing regulations; 3. Working examples of how particular fees are calculated.

Workshop ETS2: monitoring plan development

Workshop presentation, May 2024

Year: 2024

ELP Summary Statistics

A Summary of key EPA Authorisation Statistics in Infographic Format

A summary of licensing and authorisation statistics for Quarter 1, 2024, May 2024

Year: 2024

Air Pollution Appeal - BioAtlantis Limited - E0011-01

Year: 2024

These documents outline the decision made by the Environmental Protection Agency in relation to an Appeal regarding a decision made by Kerry County Council (ref. AP-17-01B) to grant a licence under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to BioAtlantis Limited.

Dumping at Sea Application Prioritisation Scoring System

Year: 2024

This document outlines the OES-WEBS application prioritisation scoring system for Dumping at Sea permit applications

Industrial and Waste Scheduled Applications: January - December 2024

Year: 2024

A list of the EPA's scheduled applications for January - December 2024

Annual Report for the contained use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs – i.e. GM Plants) for 2023

Year: 2024

Annual Report for the contained use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs – i.e. GM Plants) for 2023

Annual Report for the contained use of Genetically Modified Micro-organisms (GMMs) for 2023

Year: 2024

Annual Report for the contained use of Genetically Modified Micro-organisms (GMMs) for 2023

Annual Report for the contained use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs i.e. GM Animals) for 2023

Year: 2024

Annual Report for the contained use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs i.e. GM Animals) for 2023

ELP Summary Statistics

A Summary of key EPA Authorisation Statistics in Infographic Format

A summary of licensing and authorisation statistics for 2023, January 2024

Year: 2024
