The EPA is at the front line of environmental protection and policing. As part of its wide range of functions the EPA manages an environmental research programme that delivers essential scientific support for environmental policy development, implementation and broader decision making. Since 1994, the EPA has funded research that has increased national understanding of our environment, the challenges it faces and responses to these. EPA Research focuses on achieving environmental objectives, informing policy and bringing together researchers and research users. The EPA is responsible for coordinating environmental research in Ireland.
The EPA Research Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative funded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.
Putting Science and Innovation at the centre of environmental protection in Ireland through the development and proactive transfer of knowledge.
EPA Research 2030 is a ten-year high-level framework for the EPA's research programming (2021-2030), designed to be agile, responsive and flexible.
Learn more about national environmental research coordination
Learn more about international research collaboration and transnational research funding opportunities
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Fast-Track to Policy Funding aims to deliver rapid-turn-around evidence reviews to address urgent and emerging policy questions.
"Putting Science and Innovation at the centre of environmental protection in Ireland through the development and proactive transfer of knowledge"
EPA-funded research is essential to:
Environmental policies must be underpinned by an in-depth level of knowledge that needs to be delivered through a systematic programme of environmental research and assessment.
The EPA Research Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative funded by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications.