Latest Submissions and Position Papers

in: Corporate

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the National Risk Assessment 2024: Overview of Strategic Risks (EPA Ref: EPAC-0624)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Taoiseach on the National Risk Assessment 2024: Overview of Strategic Risks.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on Ireland’s draft updated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (EPA Ref: EPAC-0824)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s draft updated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the draft Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement (EPA Ref: EPAC-0524)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on the draft Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement.

EPA submission: Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2024

This is the EPA submission on the Climate Action Plan 2024 and associated SEA Environmental Report.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Review of the National Adaptation Framework (EPA Ref: EPAC-0224)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on the review of the National Adaptation Framework.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on Ireland’s Draft National Energy and Climate Plan (EPA Ref: EPAC-0424)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s Draft National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on Ireland’s draft National Biomethane Strategy (EPA Ref: EPAC-0324)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s draft National Biomethane Strategy.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the draft National Energy Demand Strategy (CRU2023148) (EPA Ref: EPAC-0124)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities on its draft National Energy Demand Strategy Consultation Paper (CRU2023148).

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications' Ireland’s Long-term Strategy for GHG Emissions Reductions (EPA Ref: EPAC-0923)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s Long-term Strategy for GHG Emissions Reductions.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications' Draft Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan (EPA Ref: EPAC-1523)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on the Draft Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Tailte Éireann Statement of Strategy 2023-2026 (EPA Ref: EPAC-0823)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation by Tailte Éireann on its Statement of Strategy 2023-2026.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications' Statement of Strategy 2023-2025 (EPA Ref: EPAC-0723)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on its Statement of Strategy 2023-2025.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage's Statement of Strategy 2023-2025 (EPA Ref: EPAC-0623)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage on its Statement of Strategy 2023-2025.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine's Statement of Strategy 2023-2026 (EPAC Ref: EPAC-0523)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on its Statement of Strategy 2023-2026.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Policy Engagement Framework by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (EPA Ref: EPAC-1323)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science on its Policy Engagement Framework.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications Research and Innovation Strategy (EPA Ref: EPAC-1123)

Year: 2023

EPA response to the public consultation on the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications Research and Innovation Strategy.

EPA submission: Call for Expert Evidence – Climate Action Plan 2024 (EPA Ref: EPAC-1023)

Year: 2023

EPA submission in response to the call for expert evidence for the Climate Action Plan 2024 by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications. The EPA has a broad remit in the area of climate change. This submission reflects the key findings of recent EPA assessments, data, and insights to support the development of Climate Action Plan 2024, specifically in relation to the following topics: EPA greenhouse gas inventories and projections, public engagement, Land use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF), Bioeconomy, Food waste prevention, Public sector, Circular economy, Research and Innovation and Transport.

EPA Submission on draft National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2023

EPA Submission on draft National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy and associated SEA Environmental Report

EPA Submission on the draft Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan II and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2023

EPA Submission on the draft Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan II and associated SEA Environmental Report.

EPA submission: Past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework programmes 2014-2027 (EPA Ref: EPAC-0123)

Year: 2023

EPA submission in response to the public consultation by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation on the European Research and Innovation (R&I) Framework Programmes 2014-2027 and the Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe (2025-2027). The EPA has been funding environmental research since 1994. In our response, we strongly advocate for continued and strengthened importance being placed on research for policy and knowledge transfer to support the development and implementation of robust policy. We also summarise key areas where the EPA has been active within the European R&I Framework Programmes and the development of the European Research Area (ERA).
