Solid Fuel Register (2024-2025)

A list of registered solid fuel producers, for the period 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025 will be available shortly. , July 2024

Year: 2024

Solid Fuel Register

A list of registered solid fuel producers, for the period 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024, June 2024

Year: 2024

Air Pollution Appeal - BioAtlantis Limited - E0011-01

Year: 2024

These documents outline the decision made by the Environmental Protection Agency in relation to an Appeal regarding a decision made by Kerry County Council (ref. AP-17-01B) to grant a licence under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to BioAtlantis Limited.

Solid Fuels Producer Registration application (pdf)

Solid Fuels Producer Registration application (pdf), November 2023

Year: 2023

pdf application form for Solid Fuel Producer Registration

Appendix Product list for producers

Year: 2023

The attached document is to be completed as part of your application for solid fuel registration when you have more than five products.

EPA Bank Details

Year: 2023

Air Pollution Appeal - Wills Bam Joint Venture E0009-01

Year: 2022

These documents outline the decision made by the Environmental Protection Agency in relation to an Appeal regarding a decision made by Mayo County Council (Ref: AP 12) to grant a licence to Wills Bam Joint Venture for the operation of an asphalt plant in the townland of Drumaleheen, Castlebar, County Mayo.

Air icon

Natura Impact Statement (NIS) submitted by Roadstone Ltd.

Year: 2022

Natura Impact Statement (NIS) submitted by Roadstone Ltd.

E0010-01 Appropriate Assessment Public Consultation Notice - published 05/05/2022 and revised on 20/06/2022

Year: 2022

E0010-01 Appropriate Assessment Public Consultation Notice - published 05/05/2022 and revised on 20/06/2022

E0010-01 Appropriate Assessment Screening Determination - 05/05/2022 - New

Year: 2022

E0010-01 Appropriate Assessment Screening Determination - New

Air icon

Submissions on Appropriate Assessment - E0010-01

Submission No.1 on Appropriate Assessment - E0010-01 - Mr Dave Murphy & Others rec'd 29/04/2022, April 2022

Year: 2022

Air icon

Submission No.1 on AA Screening Determination - E0007-01 - The Tonroe/Castletaylor (Ardrahan, Co. Galway) Action Group against Air Pollution

Submission on AA Screening Determination - The Tonroe/Castletaylor (Ardrahan, Co. Galway) Action Group against Air Pollution - Rec'd 27/04/2022, April 2022

Year: 2022

E0007-01 - Appropriate Assessment Screening Determination

Year: 2022

These documents relate to an Appeal of a decision by Galway County Council to grant a licence (ref. AP13/20) under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to John Madden and Sons Limited for the operation of an asphalt plant at Tonroe, Ardrahan, County Galway.

E0007-01 - Appropriate Assessment Public Consultation Notice - 04/04/2022

Year: 2022

These documents relate to an Appeal of a decision by Galway County Council to grant a licence (ref. AP13/20) under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to John Madden and Sons Limited for the operation of an asphalt plant at Tonroe, Ardrahan, County Galway.

Air icon

Air Pollution Appeal – Roadstone Ltd Ref. E0010-01 EPA Documents - Part 4

Multi Party Appellants acknowledging receipt of Observation on Submission - Consultant on behalf of Applicant, October 2021

Year: 2021

These documents relate to an Appeal regarding a decision made by Kerry County Council to grant a licence (ref. AP20-01) under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to Roadstone Ltd., Fortunestown, Tallaght, Dublin 24 for the operation of a macadam and asphalt production plant at Clasheen, Killarney, County Kerry.

Air icon

Air Pollution Appeal – Roadstone Ltd Ref. E0010-01 EPA Documents - Part 3

Multiple Party Appellant - Circulating Submissions - Local Authority Kerry County Council, September 2021

Year: 2021

These documents relate to an Appeal regarding a decision made by Kerry County Council to grant a licence (ref. AP20-01) under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to Roadstone Ltd., Fortunestown, Tallaght, Dublin 24 for the operation of a macadam and asphalt production plant at Clasheen, Killarney, County Kerry.

Air Pollution Appeal – John Madden and Sons Limited Ref. E0007-01 (Sub/Obs P2)

Year: 2021

Summary: These documents relate to an Appeal of a decision by Galway County Council to grant a licence (ref. AP13/20) under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to John Madden and Sons Limited for the operation of an asphalt plant at Tonroe, Ardrahan, County Galway.
