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Project Search Result

Project Code [2021-ID-1054]

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Project title

Gypsum Recycling Facility

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Allied Recycling

Lead Applicant

Gordon Naughton

Project Abstract

Allied have been approached by Gyproc, which is Irelands only plasterboard manufacturer, to collect and recycle waste plasterboard. Gypsum is a valued commodity and is the material sandwiched between the two sheets of heavy paper and represents 97% of the weight of the plasterboard. Upon completion of the project, Allied is expecting to have a fully functioning facility which is capable of Recycling up to 20k of used plasterboard p.a. The expected result of this is that Ireland will have much less plasterboard entering landfill and much more of it recycled. Construction projects will be using much more recycled material in their construction works and there is a transition from the linear produce to waste model to a circular gypsum industry. This will also significantly reduce the amount of gypsum being mined here in Ireland and also abroad. It will also reduce the level of freight miles on plasterboard given that it will be a domestic source and use of materials.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Cleaner Production - Green Enterprise - Innovation and Demonstration

Research Theme


Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
