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Project Search Result

Project Code [2011-W-DS-6]

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Project title

MSFD-Support Research on OSPAR Ecological Quality Objectives

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT)

Lead Applicant

Samuel Shephard

Project Abstract

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) 2008/56/EC aims to ensure that Europe�s seas achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) by 2020. When fully developed, the current suite of EcoQOs can facilitate the determination of GES and monitoring and reporting within the regional implementation of the proposed MSFD. The key aims of this project are (i) to identify candidate indicators and targets/limits from the EcoQO system that can be meaningfully applied to components of the MSFD and (ii) to make recommendations about how to implement these in Irish waters. These outcomes will be achieved through the following steps: 1. Assess specific linkages between the EcoQO and MSFD structures, and identify candidate indicators for the MSFD. 2. Demonstrate an evaluation protocol for selected indicators with potential for application in Irish waters. 3. Identify and critique potential monitoring data sets, including gaps in knowledge, and make recommendations on coordinating data collection. 4. Propose and demonstrate a protocol for the formulation or refinement (tuning) of indicators, and setting of targets for Irish waters. 5. Project dissemination website and concluding workshop The project builds on the participants wide experience with ICES working groups and recent publications on interpreting EcoQOs for the Celtic Sea. - EcoQOs/MSFD linkage tables. - A list of candidate indicators/EcoQOs for Irish waters. - A case-study evaluation of 1-2 indicators (Rice and Rochet, 2005). - A generic protocol for evaluation of candidate indicators. - A list of monitoring data sets and advice (with input from ICES WGISUR) on coordinating data collection for the MSFD. - A case-study in indicator tuning/target setting (Shephard et al., In Press). - A generic protocol for indicator tuning/target setting for Irish waters. - Project webpage hosted by the Marine Institute. - Stakeholder dissemination meeting. - Final report and publication(s).

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Natural Environment

Research Theme

Improve our Knowledge on the State of our Water Resources and Pressures

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
