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Project Search Result

Project Code [2017-CCRP-FS.35]

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Project title

Pollen Monitoring and Modeling

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)

Met Eireann

Lead Organisation

Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)

Lead Applicant

David O'Connor

Project Abstract

This research aims to deliver a new model for measuring pollen levels in Ireland. For the first time Ireland will have an Irish specific model that will forecast pollen concentrations with actually Irish data. The proposed research will provide a comprehensive literature review of the potential model/forecast options utilized by countries across Europe, indicating the required data to implement such models. This work will also analyse historical pollen data stretching back to the 1970�s which has not been published up until now. This project will establish and maintain the only pollen monitoring network in Ireland. This will be initially attempted in the two major urban centres in Ireland (Cork and Dublin) and for comparison a background rural site (Carlow). Thus seasonal ambient concentrations of pollen will be determined and a pollen calendar constructed. Enhancement of this traditional network with the use of novel spectroscopic instrumentation such as the WIBS-4+ and the Japanese pollen monitor amongst others will be undertaken as to ascertain their potential to act as real-time monitors. Finally the development of an Irish pollen forecast tool will be undertaken and will incorporate Ireland-specific pollen data directly with Irish pollen concentration and meteorological data.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Air science

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
