Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment Volume 3

Summary for Policymakers

Summary: The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) provides key insights from Volume 3: Being Prepared for Ireland’s Future Climate. Volume 3 covers the impacts we are likely to face and how we can prepare for these changes in an Irish context.

Irelands Climate Change Assessment Report Vol 3 300X421

Published: 2024

ISBN: 978-1-80009-127-6

Pages: 20

Filesize: 954 KB

Format: pdf


How to cite:

Volume 3:

Conor Murphy, Liam Heaphy, Tara Quinn, Enda O’Brien and Paul Nolan, 2023, IRELAND’S CLIMATE CHANGE ASSESSMENT Volume 3: Being Prepared for Ireland’s Future Climate, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland, 276 pp, 

Volume 3 SPM: 

Conor Murphy, Liam Heaphy, Tara Quinn, Enda O’Brien and Paul Nolan, 2023, IRELAND’S CLIMATE CHANGE ASSESSMENT Volume 3: Being Prepared for Ireland’s Future Climate, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland, 20 pp,