Development of the National Invasive Species Database

Final Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2009-B-DS-3-S1

Summary: STRIVE Report 73 - Ms. Colette O’ Flynn, Dr. Liam Lysaght

STRIVE Report 73 thumbnail

Published: 2011

ISBN: 978-1-84095-399-2

Pages: 22

Filesize: 1,418 KB

Format: pdf


The objective of this project is to continue development of the National Invasive Species Database to include all 86 priority invasive species, and alert for the arrival of potential invaders as listed in the Invasive Species Ireland’s risk assessment. This will facilitate the communication of valuable distribution information on Ireland’s priority invasive species to the local authorities, state bodies, NGOs and researchers. This can then be used to mobilise and inform invasive species action at the local level and policy at the national level. In particular the National Biodiversity Data Centre is promoting the development of county invasive species strategies and supporting this by providing tailored priority invasive species reports for each local authority.

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