Robust Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Ireland

CCRP Report 16 - Julia Hall, Conor Murphy and John Sweeney

Summary: Adaptation is necessary to position Ireland to better cope with the impacts of climate change. This report develops a framework for supporting adaptation to climate change and a tool for assessing adaptation options.

Published: 2012

ISBN: 978-1-84095-446-3

Pages: 38

Filesize: 4,077 KB

Format: pdf


This report develops a framework for supporting adaptation to climate change and a tool for assessing adaptation options. The framework established is built on the identification of vulnerability for individual surface water abstraction points. Vulnerability is highlighted where climate change is likely to alter the availability of water to meet demands at that point. In such situations, an adaptation tool is developed to identify and appraise adaptation options that are robust to uncertainty in future climate. The tool developed is intended as an exploratory tool to identify where and when adaptation will be necessary and to identify if certain strategies are likely to be successful under the range of likely future conditions. It is flexible in that it can be applied to individual existing or new abstraction points or to entire catchments, can be readily updated when revised climate change information becomes available and allows the integration of different pressures.

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