Year: 2019
Minutes from the National Waste Prevention Committee Meeting - April 2019
Year: 2019
Actions for Greening Your Office Space, EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, National Waste Prevention, Sustainable Business
Preventing Waste, Driving the Circular Economy, April 2019
Year: 2019
Preventing Waste, Driving the Circular Economy
Year: 2018
Minutes from the National Waste Prevention Committee Meeting - October 2018
Year: 2018
Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2017
Year: 2018
Minutes from the National Waste Prevention Committee Meeting - December 2017
Year: 2018
Minutes from the National Waste Prevention Committee Meeting - February 2017
An Identification Guide and Field Survey Manual, April 2018
Year: 2018
Ireland’s Ramsar Wetlands Committee launched ‘Irish Wetland Types – An Identification Guide and Field Survey Manual’ during National Biodiversity Week 2018. The Irish Ramsar Wetlands Committee (IRWC) comprises representatives from universities, state bodies and non-governmental organisations.
Year: 2017
The EPA’s over-riding priority in the EPA Strategic Plan 2013-2015, Working with others for a better environment, is to “keep the environment centre-stage and support sustainable economic recovery”. One of the six environmental goals set forth in that plan is to have ‘protected soil and biodiversity’. Sustainable economic performance and biodiversity are closely linked.
Year: 2017
Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2016
A simple step-by-step guide to making good compost, May 2017
Year: 2017
A guide for householders developed by the EPA's Stop Food Waste programme. It provides an introduction to home composting and also gives details of what types of composters are available and how to select a system that is suitable for your household.
Year: 2016
Minutes from the National Waste Prevention Committee Meeting - June 2016
Year: 2015
Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2014
Year: 2015
Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2015
Tips on Home Heating Practices, January 2015
Year: 2015
This summary document provides guidance to members of the public on how to minimise the impact of home heating on the environment, particularly in relation to the burning of solid fuels as wood and peat.
A National Strategy to 2020 A National Strategy to 2020, December 2014
Year: 2014
This document provides a strategy from EPA around the vision: "Living Better, Using Less". Incorporating Ireland’s National Waste Prevention Programme, it sets out priorities for preventing wastage and unnecessary consumption of materials, energy & water.
Year: 2014
Guide for more environmentally friendly cleaning and improved hygiene in the home. Room by room approach on how to save money and reduce the use of chemicals and hazardous materials for cleaning kitchens, toilets, living rooms etc. in houses, apartments etc. Produced by the Southern Region Waste Management Office and the Clean Technology Centre, partners in the Local Authority Prevention Network.