Latest Circular economy

in: Circular Economy

Nature & Biodiversity Infographic

Year: 2014

Infographic with information on the status of habitats and species in Ireland

Report cover

Greener Gardening

Year: 2014

This booklet contains tips and advice for householders on how to be a greener gardener using natural products and fewer chemicals. The information in this guide was prepared by the Southern Region Waste Management Office, Wicklow County Council and Clean Technology Centre partners in the Local Authority Prevention Network.

Environment and Health Infographic

Infographic with information on the links between environment and health in Ireland, May 2014

Year: 2014

Infographic with information on the links between environment and health in Ireland

NWPP Annual Report 2013

Year: 2013

Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2013

Developing a Green Enterprise

A guide, for business and institutions, on supports available in Ireland for developing resource efficient practices., December 2012

Year: 2012

Supports for business and institutions in the development and implementation of Green Business strategies are available from a range of state agencies in Ireland, This guide provides a brief overview of services and supports available from the four principal agencies active in this area: the Environmental Protection Agency, the Sustainable Energy Authrority of Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland
