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Project Code [2019R474]

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Project title

AGGRIC: Towards an Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research & Innovation Centre

Primary Funding Agency

Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation


Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

The Food Wise 2025 and Origin Green initiatives aim to increase agricultural production and value, whilst reducing the carbon footprint and enhancing sustainability. Conversely EU Climate and Energy Framework targets require large reductions (30%) in absolute emissions. The Marginal Abatement Cost Curve for Irish Agriculture has identified a maximum potential abatement of 3 Mt CO2e yr-1 by 2030 (Lanigan et al. 2018). In order to achieve this target, there is an urgent need to incorporate these measures into production systems and encourage uptake measures at a farm level. This requires improved co-ordination between research, advisory and farmers. Many of these measures require the collection of activity data or research to refine the emission factor associated with a given measure in order to incorporate GHG reductions into national inventories. While most measures improve efficiency and directly address nitrous oxide and soil carbon, there is an absence of measures to directly de-couple methane emissions from production. Methane comprises two-thirds of agricultural emissions, with the majority of these emissions associated with the enteric fermentation of carbohydrate in the rumen of bovines and ovines. While there is a large body of research in terms of reducing methane in confinement systems, there is an urgent need to more fully develop mitigation strategies for reducing enteric methane emissions associated with grazed livestock systems and to rapidly incorporate these measures into systems on the ground. This desk study seeks to a) assess current methane mitigation measures associated with enteric fermentation and manure management, b) horizon scan for future avenues of GHG mitigation research, c) compare the approaches of other countries in terms of the co-ordination and funding of agricultural GHG research/outreach and National GHG Centres of Excellence and d) make recommendations in terms of the structure, focus and funding of an Irish Centre of Excellence.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
