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Project Code [EBP/2017/441]

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Project title

Development and analysis of a long term, quality assured precipitation network for Ireland

Primary Funding Agency

Irish Research Council

Co-Funding Organisation(s)

Met Eireann

Lead Organisation

Maynooth University (MU)

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

High quality long-term observational datasets are essential to understanding historical and contemporary changes in the climate system. Data extending to the mid-19th century is available but held in paper copy in archived form. Recently Met �ireann have undertaken the considerable task of archiving and imaging historical meteorological observations for Ireland. Thus, for the first time, the opportunity exists to transcribe, quality assure and analyse this data. This research does just that by creating a quality assured daily precipitation network for Ireland that is among the longest in Europe. Data will be transcribed using crowd-sourcing techniques integrated into teaching and learning at the host university. The resultant long-term daily network will underpin climate risk management across a range of public and private sectors (water planning, flood management, agriculture, insurance etc) and make significant contributions to understanding extremes for a sentinel location of Europe

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Air Science

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
