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Project Search Result

Project Code [18/RI/5731]

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Project title

EirOOS Irish Ocean Observing System: A component of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS)

Primary Funding Agency

Science Foundation Ireland

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Marine Institute

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

Ireland occupies a unique location in the northeast Atlantic, one of the world�s largest carbon sinks and the area most vulnerable to changes in Atlantic circulation. Ireland has been involved in European and wider initiatives to develop ocean and climate observing systems from the coast to open ocean. However, critical infrastructure gaps remain that hamper our ability to address questions of national and global importance. Ireland urgently needs to further develop scientific and technical research capacity in key areas such as sea level science, ocean circulation, and carbon sequestration in ordert to understand the connection between Ireland and the Atlantic. The proposed EirOOS infrastructure represents the first significant Irish investment in a distributed European Ocean Observing System. The infrastructure would significantly expand the capability of the Irish research community to respond to national needs, and increase opportunities to contribute to European funded initiatives under H2020, Copernicus, EMODNet, GEOSS and ESFRI.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
