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Project Code [EPSPD/2022/91]

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Project title

Evaluation of a peatland restoration project using nematodes and their communities as environmental indicators

Primary Funding Agency

Irish Research Council

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

South East Technological University (SETU)

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

Climate change is a serious problem posing many dangers for future generations. Capturing CO2 from the atmosphere is a good way to abate this phenomenon. Natural bogs and peatlands have a major role to play in this respect, as they are natural carbon sinks. We have been approached by the industrial partner in this proposal and have been in discussions with them as to how expertise in enviroCORE of IT Carlow will be able to help them in a peatlands restoration project they have commenced. The partner is developing hands-on technology in the form of an app, to be provided to farmers with land in peatland areas as a tool to enable better management of European Innovation Partnerships (EIP). The EIP scheme funds projects that allow farmers, scientists and other experts to collaborate to develop new practices that are environmentally friendly and economically sustainable. The ultimate aim of EIP is to road-test new ideas and practices which can then be used more widely by farmers and others to improve productivity and enhance resource efficiency. The enterprise partner works to optimise this scheme in Ireland, in relation to peatlands, and enviroCORE has been invited to collaborate with them on this, bringing nematode biomonitoring expertise to confirm that their approaches are successful in restoring the ecosystems in these peatlands. Nematodes are excellent environmental bioindicators because of their high abundance and diversity. Therefore, the proposed research will assess nematode biodiversity as a means to assess the ecological status of the restored sites.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
