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Project Code [2018-CCRP-MS.53]

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Project title

Fungal mOnitoring NeTwork ANd Algorithm (FONTANA)

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

The overall aim of work is to grow and provide increased monitoring capabilities to the Irish pollen network (funded in EPA project POMMEL), effectively creating an Irish bioaerosol network for the concurrent measurement of both pollen and fungal spores. Such a network will be established through the integration of traditional, spectroscopic and chemical methodologies into the currently functional sampling infrastructure (Cork, Dublin and Carlow). Allied to this a new site in the west of Ireland will be established and the collected fungal spore data from all sites will be utilized to create the first ever Irish fungal spore model. The work will utilize several novel spectroscopic techniques such as the WIBS-4+ and bioscout for real-time monitoring of ambient fungal spore to understand whether such instrumentation could be deployed in a national sampling network. Equally chemical tracers associated with fungal release will be monitored again to trail whether such methodologies could be of use in the stead of the laborious traditional methods. Finally data from both the traditional and novel methods in tandem with collected meteorological data will be exploited to create an Irish forecast for fungal spores.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Air Science

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
