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Project Code [19/FIP/ZE/7572]

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Project title

Hybrid Bio-Solar Reactors for wastewater treatment and CO2 recycling

Primary Funding Agency

Science Foundation Ireland

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

Reduction of carbon emissions, and energy and chemical production from renewable sources are necessary to preserve the environment from climate change. We propose to address both challenges by implementing an innovative, carbon-negative, hybrid bio-solar technology (HyBioSol) able to convert CO2 generated in industrial and municipal plants to marketable bioenergy and biochemical products, such as biofuels, biochemicals and bioplastics, whilst treating polluted wastewater, using solar irradiation as energy source. HyBioSol will be the result of the combination of two existing technologies, including a microbial electrosynthesis compartment, in which the bioproducts are synthesized at a biocathode electrode, and a photochemical oxidation compartment, in which organic contaminants are removed from wastewater at a photo-anode electrode. HyBioSol can be integrated to any plant producing carbon-containing gas and/or liquid waste streams, and will contribute to decarbonize the energy and waste management sectors in Ireland, promoting circular economy and sustainable cities development. Research work is required, and will be conducted within one year, to optimize the biocathode and photo-anode electrode materials for bioproduct synthesis from CO2 and wastewater treatment, respectively, prior to merge the two technologies into the HyBioSol prototype. Engagement activities with stakeholders will direct the final operation of the device.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Climate Solutions, Transition Management and Opportunities

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
