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Project Code [GOIPG/2021/1744]

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Project title

Intelligent Prognostics of Electric Propulsion Systems for Sustainable Eco-Friendly Vehicles

Primary Funding Agency

Irish Research Council

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Institute of Technology, Carlow

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

We are witnessing an electric revolution within the transport sector, which has largely been accelerated more recently by the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC) on Climate Change (effective Nov. 2016). The electrification of the powertrain includes battery cells, power electronics and electric machines for both traction/propulsion as well as for kinetic energy recovery during brake events. However, major reliability and sustainability challenges exist which is severely hampering their widespread adoption and effectiveness. Moreover, the materials and resources used to produce electric powertrains are limited globally which ultimately places constraints on their long-term viability. This proposed applied research project focuses on novel electronic sensing and machine learning (ML) algorithms for advanced Condition-based Monitoring (CbM) of the electric machines used for the propulsion of electric propulsion systems. This research will be achieved through a blended mix of experimental research experiments, analytical modelling, signal processing methods and ML algorithms. Ultimately, this applied research will work towards significantly advancing the theory and knowledge base in this field to (i) prevent catastrophic failure modes occurring in the powertrains (ii) extend the operating lifetimes for more sustainable aircraft, and (iii) the models, ML algorithms and analysis will dramatically assist future R&D engineers and scientists to create highly robust and reliable electric propulsion systems. The impact of this research will contribute towards developing new knowledge and understanding towards significantly advancing the design of robust electric machines that prevents unexpected catastrophic failure modes and premature aging occurring. As the world dramatically shifts away from fossil-fuel based combustion systems and towards electrified vehicles and aircraft it is extremely timely that this research project should be investigated now to increase their robustness, reliability, and sustainability.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate related research

Research Theme

Achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
