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Project Code [2017-CCRP-FS.35]

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Project title

POMMEL: Pollen Monitoring and Modeling

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)

Met Eireann

Lead Organisation

Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

When building pollen forecast systems, pollen monitoring is essential. However, in Ireland up to now, this type of studies have remained virtually absent. POMMEL project (POllen Monitoring and ModELling), funded by Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), aims to create a pollen monitoring network and to provide a reliable forecast system for Ireland. In a bigger scale, it also represents an opportunity to European Aerobiology to expand its knowledge in this part of the continent. This project has already started on last February 1st, and amongst their most challenging objectives will intend to compare historical and unpublished aerobiological datasets from past decades with current ones. In the existing context of Climate change, this analysis will provide a valuable information to study the situation regarding this problem on this part of Europe. It will provide of benefits to Ireland, such as to create scientific links with other European scientists and organisations, the possibility of early detection of invasive plants, studies about climate change and generation of public debate about air quality monitoring.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Air Science

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
