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Project Code [COALESCE/2022/1661]

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Project title

Urban Citizen�s 632: Citizen stewardship of surface water bodies for SDG 6.3.2

Primary Funding Agency

Irish Research Council

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Dublin City University (DCU)

Lead Applicant


Project Abstract

Urban Citizen�s 632 aims to fill the water quality data gaps for Indicator 6.3.2 through citizen scientist and community-based water quality and biodiversity monitoring of streams and rivers that flow through urban Dublin - particularly through the parks of the city and suburbs. The United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 has a target 6.3 which aims to reduce pollution, eliminate dumping and minimise release of hazardous chemicals and materials by 2030. Indicator 6.3.2 of this target is concerned with obtaining information on the quality of natural, untreated water in rivers, lakes and groundwater. The UN has stressed that citizen scientists are of vital importance in fulfilling the need for monitoring of water quality. This project partners with Earthwatch Europe through its Freshwater Watch programme. This environmental charity has a proven track record in collaborating with civil society to monitor water quality. Urban Citizen's 632 has an agreed partnership with Dublin City Council, and the Local Authorities Water Programme (LAWPRO), who support local community groups. By engaging citizens in monitoring water quality and biodiversity in the streams and rivers that run through a number of parks within the Dublin Bay Biosphere, the project will fulfil both indicator 6.3.2 of SDG 6, and also will enable citizens to have ownership over this data, and to be able to feed key information back to the stakeholders. The EU has identified the need for complementary data on water quality while monitoring EU environment policy, stating that citizen science offers an alternative and cost-effective way to collect environmental data which may be useful in providing early warnings about environmental trends and specific problems (EC, 2020). This will go some way to meeting one of the major challenges facing us today - that of maintaining clean water and improving water quality (SDG target 6.3).

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Climate Solutions, Transition Management and Opportunities

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
