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Project Code [2009-PhD-ET-13]

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Project title

A Cost Efficient Method For Enabling Reuse of Personal Computers (b)

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University of Limerick (UL)

Lead Applicant

Colin Fitzpatrick

Project Abstract

The demand for energy intensive consumer goods such as personal computers is driving enormous growth in global CO2 emissions. Much of this is unnecessary as computers are often disposed of when they are still perfectly functional but due to a total lack of 2nd hand market they are almost never reused. The root of this problem has been identified as an absence of information about how the product has been used by its first owner. This project aims to develop some technology which if implemented can help in the development of such 2nd hand markets. This has the two fold benefit of reducing the emissions associated with PC manufacture and making low cost computing available which can help to bridge the digital divide.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Green and Circular Economy

Research Theme

Waste and Resources Management

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
