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Project Code [2006-S-ET-1]

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Project title

A Technical, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Dredge Material Recovery and Reuse Techniques for Ireland

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Cork Institute of Technology (CIT)

Lead Applicant

Joseph Harrington

Project Abstract

Ireland generates approximately 1.2 million wet tonnes of dredge material annually from maintenance projects and averages approximately 0.6 million wet tonnes per annum from capital projects. The material is primarily disposed offshore; beneficial end uses have been limited. A wider range of dredge material management alternatives involving greater beneficial reuse is required for Ireland.This paper investigates best international practice in dredge material management particularly in the context of dredge material recovery and reuse. Techniques for dredge material recovery and reuse are reviewed and appropriate technologies for Ireland are identified. Dredge material volumes generated in Ireland over the next decade are estimated and quantified. These estimates include where appropriate both maintenance and capital dredging projects. A comparison with historical dredge volume data generated for Ireland is presented. This historical data includes a breakdown both by dredge material size and by method of dredge material disposal or reuse. Future phases of the project will include technical economic and environmental studies to examine the feasibility of implementing dredge material recovery and reuse technologies at selected sites. Pilot schemes will then be recommended for the most suitable feasible locations.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Green and Circular Economy

Research Theme

Waste and Resources Management

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
