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Project Code [2010-CCRP-DS-2.3]

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Project title

Current and Future Vulnerabilities to Climate Change in Ireland

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Maynooth University (MU)

Lead Applicant

John Sweeney

Project Abstract

The European Commission�s White Paper Adapting to Climate Change: Towards a European framework for action highlights the need for early action in implementing climate change adaptation strategies. It argues for a more strategic approach to effectively target measures to ensure coherence across different sectors and levels of governance. By setting out a framework to reduce vulnerability, the White Paper recognises that vulnerability indicators are useful in tracking changes in climate risk exposure and the effectiveness of adaptation strategies over time. This project recognises this need and will apply an established definition and develop methodologies for Ireland which will identify indicators and prioritise vulnerabilities. In doing so, it will also contribute to coordinated strategies at the EU level. By adopting a cross-sectoral approach utilising the best available climate change data for Ireland, the approach reflects the White Paper recommendations that vulnerability should be assessed against a wide range of climate scenarios and on different geographical scales in order to define adaptation measures as precisely as possible. Significant outcomes include the enhancement of national research capability in this emerging area, and the development of indicators and measures which will enhance Ireland�s contribution to the EU Clearing House Mechanism by 2011.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
