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Project Code [2017-NC-PhD-1]

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Project title

Enhancing natural capital for ecosystem service provision

Primary Funding Agency

Irish Research Council

Co-Funding Organisation(s)

Environmental Protection Agency

Lead Organisation

University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)

Lead Applicant

Sarah Gabel

Project Abstract

Natural capital and the ecosystem services that flow from it are essential for human livelihoods, health and well-being. Our food supply depends on healthy functioning agricultural ecosystems. Insect pollinators and pest-control agents provide key ecosystem services in these systems. It is crucial we understand interactions between agricultural management and insect populations to optimize benefits and minimize conflicts. Agricultural practices at the local (e.g. the use of pesticides) and landscape (e.g. habitat fragmentation) scales can damage insect populations, but can be mitigated by regulating pesticide use and introducing flower strips into cropped landscapes. While such practices can benefit insect populations, further research is needed on whether flower strip habitats near crops are safe for insects, and ensure they are not being affected by pesticide residues. This project will take a novel approach to test whether flower strips enhance pollinator and natural enemy activity and insect exposure to agrochemicals.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Natural Environment

Research Theme

Natural capital and ecosystem services including soils and biodiversity

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
