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Project Code [07-CCRP-5.5.3a]

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Project title

Exchange at the Air-Sea Interface: Air Quality, Atmospheric Deposition and Noise & Climate Impacts|-

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)

Lead Applicant

Colin O'Dowd

Project Abstract

There exists common issues between air quality and climate change, particularly in terms of natural aerosol (particulate matter) production and the formation and destruction of ozone. In terms of natural systems relevant to Ireland, air-sea exchange of aerosols and ozone, and the influence of marine biology on these processes is crucially important but poorly quantified. This project sets out to conduct aerosol and ozone fluxes over the ocean and to quantify the impact of biological activity and dynamics (i.e. wind speed) on the fluxes. This measurement programme will produce parameterisations for the air sea exchange of ozone and aerosols to be implemented in a coupled ocean-atmosphere climate model. A series of algal life cycle and environmental response and emission experiments will be conducted to produce parameterisations of primary production in the ocean model. A state-of-the-art coupled ocean-atmosphere composition (biogeochemical cycling) model will be developed to produce an assessment of the natural production and contribution of inorganic and organic aerosol and ozone to air quality levels and climate change processes. The model will be underpinned by improved remote sensing of ocean chlorophyll-a, used as a surrogate for biological activity.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Cross-cutting issues, data and observation systems

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
