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Project Code [2022-CE-1103]

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Project title

Identifying everyday barriers to climate mitigation behaviours

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Lead Applicant

Anne Nolan

Project Abstract

Multiple surveys now show that people in Ireland believe in human-caused climate change and are worried about its impacts. However there remains a considerable gap between those who report they are worried and those who report engaging in mitigative behaviours. This project aims to identify internal and external barriers to action, using techniques from experience sampling research (e.g., ecological momentary assessment). Experience sampling allows systematic data to be collected in an individual’s natural environment, providing rich information on their thoughts, feeling, behaviours and environment at selected time points. The ESRI’s Behavioural Research Unit has used such methods previously to understand COVID mitigation behaviour. For this project, a large, nationally representative sample of participants will be asked (1) to report on multiple everyday behaviours (e.g., mode of transport, diet choices), (2) to think about pro-climate alternatives they could take and (3) to identify the conditions necessary for them to choose those alternatives (i.e. to generate “counterfactual enablers”). Responses will be coded to identify personal and systemic changes required for climate action. The study will be designed to answer the following example research questions: 1 How capable are the public at identifying pro-environmental alternatives to everyday behaviours? (Where capability is lacking, information provision may be a useful intervention.) 2 What reasons do the public provide for not engaging in pro-environmental actions? 3 Other than intentions and attitudes, what differentiates those who engage in climate actions from those who don’t? 4 What systemic barriers to climate action do the public identify? 5 What behaviours are the public least likely to identify pro-environmental alternatives to? 6 Does the act of generating counterfactual enablers promote future pro-environmental actions?

Grant Approved

� -

Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme


Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
