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Project Search Result

Project Code [2019-HW-MS-15]

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Project title

Measuring the health and well-being benefits of being a citizen scientist

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Lead Applicant

Anne Nolan

Project Abstract

Despite the growing international importance of citizen science activities and considerable research into its benefits for scientific studies, there is little research into who citizen scientists are and how this activity affects their health and well-being. In this research we would study a group of environmental citizen scientists who might be expected to receive some health and well-being benefits due to increased physical activity and social network opportunities: biodiversity collectors. We would collaborate with the National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC) to identify and contact a suitable group of collectors. N/A Phase 2 ESRI Research Programme

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Healthy Environment

Research Theme

Health and well being

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
