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Project Search Result

Project Code [2019-HW-LS-3]

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Project title

PESTicide MANagement for better water quality

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)

Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine

Lead Organisation

National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)

Lead Applicant

Mark Healy

Project Abstract

This project will use a DPSIR (drivers, pressures, state, impacts, responses) approach to assess how drinking water and human health may be affected by pesticide use in Ireland. The project will evaluate the drivers and pressures for the use of pesticides in Ireland and a semi-quantitative pesticide risk ranking will utilise all available data to identify pesticides of concern (WP1). The pathway of loss from the source of pesticide use to the receptor will be identified in WP2. This WP will comprise controlled laboratory mesocosm experiments to understand the impact of soil type and land use on pesticide leaching and surface runoff. In WP 3, the response of the receptor will be evaluated. This will be conducted at urban and catchment scale, and will utilise most of the study sites of the Agricultural Catchments Programme, which have already been extensively characterised and monitored. Baseline monitoring will be conducted for one year, before a low-cost, passive, in-situ technology will be placed in the streams draining the catchments. The project will develop a citizen science network through collaboration with stakeholders (WP 4). WP 5 will address project management and communication to the EPA and stakeholders. Final technical report focusing on the drivers, pressures and impacts of pesticide use on receiving waters and human health in Ireland. This will provide quantitative information, which will inform policies. This project will develop solutions for pesticides in the environment by examining, at field-scale, the efficacy of in-situ, low-cost, passive remediation technologies for pesticide mitigation. Publication of a minimum of five peer reviewed publications from project findings in internationally recognised journals. Materials will be prepared as part of general outreach activities in the NUIG Ryan Institute (reaching > 50,000 members of the general public in 2018 (e.g., Science week) and volunteer formation. These materials will inform the general public and interested third parties about PEST-MAN. Create a website and different profiles in twitter and Facebook to disseminate the obtained results, announce volunteer formation activities, share formation material, and coordinate volunteer actions. A �ResearchGate� project page will be created. This online resource is designed to help researchers discuss publications, create exposure for their own work and connects with colleagues. The results will be presented in leading engineering, soil and microbiological conferences and workshops.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Healthy Environment

Research Theme

Health and well being

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
