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Project Search Result

Project Code [2012-WRM-MS-9]

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Project title

The potential of whey in industrial fermentations and broader characterization of the agri-processing waste

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University of Limerick (UL)

Lead Applicant

Gary Walsh

Project Abstract

Based upon ‘Food Harvest 2020’ projections, the proposed research focuses on (a) identifying, and where possible quantifying, the major by-products/waste streams of environmental significance likely to characterize the primary agri-processing industries by 2020; (b) identifying current/emerging technologies best suited to minimize/remediate the 5 most serious pollutants identified and (c) to evaluate the potential of using whey/lactose (a current major potential pollutant) produced in dairy processing, as a substrate for the growth of a range of representative microorganisms used industrially to produce various products of industrial/medical value or which are of themselves industrially or medically useful. EPA Report, State of Knowledge Report, 2 peer-reviewed publications, a newspaper article

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Green and Circular Economy

Research Theme

Waste and Resources Management

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
