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Project Code [2019-NC-PhD-10]

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Project title

Towards establishing hemp as a sustainable crop for Irish agriculture

Primary Funding Agency

Irish Research Council

Co-Funding Organisation(s)

Environmental Protection Agency

Lead Organisation

University College Dublin (UCD)

Lead Applicant

Caroline Dowling

Project Abstract

As some Cannabis strains with high drug (THC) contents can be used for illicit purposes, the growth of hemp was banned in many countries throughout the world, with growth of THC free hemp only being permitted in some countries in recent years. A consequence of this is that developmental, genetic and agricultural studies in hemp are still in their infancy and lag behind virtually every other modern crop. Here, I will conduct a morphological and genetic characterization of hemp that will shed light on two of the agriculturally most important traits: plant height and flowering time control. Flowering time is of interest because it allows fine-tuning of cultivars towards local environmental conditions. Plant height, on the other hand, is of relevance because in semi-dwarf varieties lodging is reduced and hence seed yield is dramatically improved. Large hemp varieties, contrastingly, are of interest for improved fibre production. I will apply genomics, bioinformatics and genetics approaches to identify genes controlling flowering time and plant height in hemp. These results will provide an important milestone towards establishing hemp as a modern crop that can be used for a more sustainable, carbon-neutral agriculture in an Irish and global context.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Natural Environment

Research Theme

Natural capital and ecosystem services including soils and biodiversity

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
