Latest Publications

in: Industrial licensing

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Pig Production Sector - Feb 1998

Year: 1998

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Pig Production Sector. Publsiehd February 1998.

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Wood Treatment and Preservation - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Wood Treatment and Preservation. Published November 1997.

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture or Use of Coating Materials - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

BATNEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture or Use of Coating Materials. Published November 1997.

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture of Synthetic Fibres - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture of Synthetic Fibres. Published November 1997.

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Extraction of Minerals - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Extraction of Minerals. Published November 1997.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Carbonation, etc of Coal, etc - 15/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Carbonation, Gasificatgion, etc of Coal, Lignite, Oil and Buituminous Shale. Class 9.4. Draft 3. 15/05/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Asbestos, Glass & Mineral Fibre Sector - 30/04/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Asbestos, Glass & Mineral Fibre Sector. Draft 3. 30/04/96.

BATNEEC Note - Chemical Sector - May 1996

Year: 1996

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Chemical Sector. Published May 1996.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Organo Tin - 13/10/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Organo Tin Coating. Class 12.1. Draft 1. 13/10/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Extraction of Peat - 14/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Extraction of Peat. Class 1.4. Draft 3. 14/05/96.

Draft BATNEEC Note - Glass Production - 37/06/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Glass Production. Class 4.3. Draft 1. 27/06/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture Glass Fibre or Mineral Fibre - 03/07/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture Glass Fibre or Mineral Fibre. Class 4.2. Draft 1. 03/07/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture of Vegetable & Amimal Oils and Fats - 05/06/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture of Vegetable & Animal Oils and Fats. Class 7.1. Draft 3. 14/05/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Roasting, Sintering or Calcining - 15/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Roasting, Sintering or Calcining. Clas 3.6. Draft 3. 14/05/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Forges - 15/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Forges, Drawing Plants and Rolling Mills and for Pressing, Drawing and Stamping of Large Casting. Classes 3.2 & 3.8. Draft 3. 15/05/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Fellmongering & Tanning - 02/04/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note for Fellmongering & Tanning. Class 8.6. Draft 4. 02/04/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Crude Petroleum Handling & Storage

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Petroleum Handling & Storage. Class 9.2. Draft 3. 15/05/96.

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Asbestos Sector - 03/06/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Asbestos Sector

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Waste Sector (IPPC) - May 1996

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Waste Sector. Published May 1996
