Predicting the Impact of Coexistence-Guided, Genetically Modified Cropping on Irish Biodiversity

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2006-B-MS-46

Summary: STRIVE Report 39 - Ewen Mullins et al.

STRIVE Report 66 thumbnail

Published: 2009

ISBN: 978-1-84095-330-5

Pages: 64

Filesize: 1,581 KB

Format: pdf


At present no genetically modified (GM) crops are grown in Ireland because the current suite of commercialised GM crops is not suited to the Irish agri-environment. Farmer surveys clearly show willingness on the behalf of Irish farmers to adopt specific GM traits (e.g. blight tolerance) if they will provide an economic and/or environmental benefit. Therefore as the 2nd and 3rd generation of GM crops proceed through research pipelines, it is broadly accepted that in the near future Irish farmers will be afforded the choice as to whether they wish to adopt GM technology into their systems. Their choices will be heavily influenced by the economic realities of the day. Considering the future environmental (e.g. climate change) and legislative challenges (e.g. pesticides regulations), the crops with the most potential for modification from an Irish perspective include oilseed rape, maize, potato, barley and wheat. The principal traits that would benefit Irish farmers would be herbicide tolerance (HT), nitrogen-use efficiency and enhanced fungal resistance.

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