Research 157: Developing and Assessing Alternatives in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Summary: Alternatives are fundamental to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and are required under the SEA Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC).1. Research Report 157 contains recommendations for the development of these alternatives

Research 157 SEA thumbnail

Published: 2015

ISBN: 978-1-84095-603-0

Pages: 68

Filesize: 4,365 KB

Format: pdf


Alternatives are fundamental to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and are required under the SEA Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC).1 Consideration of alternatives in SEA provides the opportunity to identify and explore different ways to deliver a plan’s or programme’s objectives while addressing environmental issues. In order to improve this aspect of the SEA process, this research report reviews current practice, both nationally and internationally, makes recommendations for good practice and sets out a methodology for the development and consideration of SEA alternatives.  

See also Research 157: MOLAND Lite - Land use modelling for SEA alternatives development and assessment