There’s Something about Ammonia

Winner of the EPA Researchers Awards 2021 Best Infographic

Summary: Illustrations by Nathan T. Wright. Story by David B. Kelleghan and Thomas P. Curran. This is an output produced by UCD, arising from the EPA-funded research project "Assessment of the Impact of Ammonia Emissions from Intensive Agriculture Installations on Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas" under the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020. Translated into 16 languages by COST-Action program and numerous volunteers.

Infographic thumbnail

Published: 2022

Pages: 7

Filesize: 3,803 KB

Format: pdf


Atmospheric ammonia poses a significant threat to biodiversity and human health. Concentrations of ammonia in the air downwind of hotspot sources, such as pig and poultry farms, are likely to negatively affect the environment. This project quantified and assessed the impact of ammonia emissions from intensive pig and poultry units in Ireland by monitoring detailed ammonia emissions from 17 animal production houses across four farms.

View EPA Research 347