Summary of Findings - Hemp Lime Bio-composite as a Building Material in Irish Construction.

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 97

Summary: Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 97

Published: 2012

Pages: 2

Filesize: 307 KB

Format: pdf


The objective of the study was to examine the application of hemp lime as a bio-composite material for construction application in the Irish context, and to assess in detail its known technical performance in relation to the principle standards and requirements within the Irish building regulations.  Knowledge or data gaps in the assessment of performance in structure, fire, moisture, acoustic, energy and material / workmanship were identified and examined. A significant body of data was collated in the study to create the first significant collation of currently available literature and data on hemp lime bio-composite, with a number of summary and comparison tables, which should aid further investigation and research.

Other downloads now available:

Final Report STRIVE Report 97(web.pdf): Hemp Lime Bio-composite as a Building Material in Irish Construction.
Final Report STRIVE Report 97(high resolution for printing):  Hemp Lime Bio-composite as a Building Material in Irish Construction.