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in: Circular Economy

Green Enterprise Innovation for a Circular Economy 2022 webinar

Year: 2022

General information for potential Green Enterprise Grant applicants

GPP Monitoring image

Green Public Procurement: Monitoring and Reporting by Government Departments

2020 Reference Year , April 2022

Year: 2022

This is the first report on GPP activity by Government Departments, collating and analysing data for the year 2020. The report presents an overview of the process, monitoring and reporting requirements, data collected and a summary of the findings.

Green Public Procurement for Suppliers image

Green Public Procurement for suppliers

Year: 2022

This training presentation follows on from the introductory Green Public Procurement video and provides more detailed information for suppliers of goods and services to the public sector in Ireland. Its purpose is to provide all suppliers with background information, advice and practical tips on Green Public Procurement. An animated PowerPoint version of the presentation is also available below.

Title of document and image of a building

EPA GPP Criteria Office

Year: 2021

This document sets out the core and comprehensive GPP criteria for the design, construction and management of office buildings

National Hazardous Waste Management Plan image

National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2021 - 2027

Year: 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency has prepared this National Hazardous Waste Management Plan (NWHMP) for the Republic of Ireland covering a six-year period from 2021 to 2027. It sets out the priorities to be pursued over the next six years and beyond to improve the prevention and management of hazardous waste. The purpose of this plan is to protect the environment and human health in Ireland through best-practice management of hazardous wastes.

The Circular Economy Programme Leaflet Cover

The Circular Economy Programme Leaflet 2021

The Driving Force for Ireland's Move to a Circular Economy, December 2021

Year: 2021

Summary of The Circular Economy Programme 2021 to 2027

Circular Economy Programme 2021-2027

The Circular Economy Programme 2021-2027

The Driving Force for Ireland's Move to a Circular Economy, December 2021

Year: 2021

Ireland’s Circular Economy Programme (2021 to 2027) is the driving force for Ireland's move to a circular economy. The vision for the Programme, which is led by the EPA, is an Ireland where the circular economy ensures that everyone uses less resources and prevents waste to achieve sustainable economic growth.

Single Use Plastic Packaging Remoulded into Pallets

Year: 2021

This project showcased the potential of plastics pallet production in a circular economy using mixed plastic waste and demonstrating a prototype, mould and manufacture test.

C&D Waste Guidelines image

Best practice guidelines for the preparation of resource & waste management plans for construction & demolition projects

Year: 2021

The purpose of the guidelines is to provide a practical approach which is informed by best practice in the prevention and management of C&D wastes and resources from design through to construction and deconstruction.

NWPP Annual Report 2020 cover

National Waste Prevention Programme Annual Report 2020

Year: 2021

Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2020

Nature and Extent of Post-Consumer Textiles in Ireland

Nature and Extent of Post-Consumer Textiles in Ireland

Study Report, November 2021

Year: 2021

To address an identified knowledge gap and inform national policy, the EPA commissioned a study to determine the nature and extent of post-consumer textiles in Ireland. This report provides the findings and recommendations from this study to inform future consultations and measures to improve circularity in textiles in Ireland.

Green Enterprise 2021 Presentation Guide on Completing a Budget Proposal Application

Year: 2021

Presentation guide on completing a budget proposal application from the Green Enterprise 2021: Innovation for a Circular Economy webinar held online 1st July 2021

Green Enterprise 2021 Presentation Guide on the Funding Call and Application Process

Year: 2021

Presentation guide to the funding call and application process from the Green Enterprise 2021: Innovation for a Circular Economy webinar held online 1st July 2021

Ireland's Circular Economy Programme

Proposal to replace the National Waste Prevention Programme, March 2021

Year: 2021

In line with the measures proposed in the Waste Action Plan, the EPA is building on fifteen years of leadership on waste prevention to develop a national Circular Economy Programme. The draft programme is now open for consultation to seek views from stakeholders. It is available to download here, and submissions are invited through an online form – see link below.

title of report and EPA logo

Food Waste: National attitudes and behaviours in Ireland 2020

Year: 2020

In 2020, the EPA commissioned Behaviour & Attitudes Limited to conduct a nationally representative survey on attitudes to food waste and the level of consciousness of any positive actions being taken to reduce it. This report presents the findings from this first nationally representative survey conducted at the end of 2020.

Report Cover with circle design

National Waste Prevention Programme Annual Report 2019

Year: 2020

Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2019

Report cover with a water bottle

NWPP Annual Report 2018

Year: 2020

Overview of progress made on waste prevention projects during 2018
