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EPA Circular Economy Conference 2023

Year: 2023

EPA Circular Economy Conference 2023 - Driving Ireland's Move to a Circular Economy - Agenda

EPA Circular Economy Logo and publication name

National Repair Survey 2022: Motivations to Repair; Part 5 of 5

2022 reference Year, September 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizen's attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to repair. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 5: Motivations to Repair,

EPA Circular Economy Logo and publication name

National Repair Survey: Professional Repair Services; Part 4 of 5

2022 Reference Year, September 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizen's attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to repair. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 4 Professional Repair Services.

EPA Circular Economy Logo and publication name

National Repair Survey 2022: Appetite to advance the Repair Economy; Part 3 of 5

2022 Reference Year, September 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizen's attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to repair. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 3: Appetite to advance the Repair Economy.

EPA Circular Economy Logo and publication name

National Repair Survey 2022: The Repair Economy; Part 2 of 5

2022 Reference Year, September 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizen's attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to repair. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 2 The Repair Economy.

EPA Circular Economy Logo and publication name

National Repair Survey 2022: Consumer Rights; Part 1 of 5

2022 Reference Year, September 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizen's attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to repair. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 1 Consumer Rights

EPA Circular Economy Logo and publication name

EPA Circular Economy National Repair Survey 2022 - Survey Data

2022 Reference Year, September 2023

Year: 2023

This Excel file provides the data from the National Repair Survey 2022 in the accompanying sheets and where used should reference the EPA.

EPA Circular Economy Conference 2023

Year: 2023

EPA Circular Economy Conference 2023 - Driving Ireland’s Move to a Circular Economy - Agenda

a picture of a waste recovery site

Comparative study of waste recovery taxes / levies in Europe

Year: 2023

Countries across the globe are seeking policy tools to help stimulate and accelerate a circular economy. One of the most successful policy interventions to facilitate this change can be a fiscal measure. Taxes or levies can be used to discourage one form of behaviour or activity and incentivise another more positive one. The Irish Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy (WAPCE), published in 2020, proposed a Waste Recovery Levy of €5 per tonne (with potential for escalation) for recovery operations carried out at Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills, Waste to Energy Plants and Co-incinerators Plants and on exports of MSW. This study examines what similar taxes/levies have been applied by other EU Member States and whether there is evidence of these similar fiscal measures supporting the objectives of the proposed Waste Recovery Levy.

Circular Economy Conference 2023 image

Circular Economy Conference 2023

Event Date: 27th September 2023 Location: Aviva Stadium Dublin and online , July 2023

Year: 2023

This hybrid event will be an opportunity to learn about recent developments in the circular economy and the opportunities and challenges in implementing a circular economy in Ireland. There will be opportunities to network and participate in polling and Q&A sessions.

Flow diagram showing lorry, food,cleaning utensils etc

Guidance & Template for GPP Reporting by Government Departments

Reference year 2022, June 2023

Year: 2023

a seafood processing plant

Food Waste Charter Guidance: Seafood Sector

Year: 2023

Tackling food waste is one of the key steps we can all take to help combat climate change and support Ireland’s transition to a circular economy. This guidance provides a checklist of actions to help measure your organisation’s progress in taking action to reduce food waste, along with some case studies to inspire you.

tubs of food on a conveyor belt

Food Waste Charter Guidance: Prepared Foods Sector

Year: 2023

Tackling food waste is one of the key steps we can all take to help combat climate change and support Ireland’s transition to a circular economy. This guidance provides a checklist of actions to help measure your organisation’s progress in taking action to reduce food waste, along with some case studies to inspire you.

loaves of break baking in an industrial oven

Food Waste Charter Guidance: Bakery Sector

Year: 2023

Tackling food waste is one of the key steps we can all take to help combat climate change and support Ireland’s transition to a circular economy. This guidance provides a checklist of actions to help measure your organisation’s progress in taking action to reduce food waste, along with some case studies to inspire you.

Cover of the Circular Economy textiles series

EPA Circular Economy National Textiles Survey Data 2021

2021 Reference Year, April 2023

Year: 2023

This Excel file provides the data from the National Textiles Survey 2021 in the accompanying sheets and where used should reference the EPA.

Cover of the Circular Economy textiles series

National Textiles Survey 2021: Sustainable Consumption and Use II; Part 5 of 5

2021 Reference Year, April 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizens’ attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to textiles. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 5 Sustainable Consumption and Use II.

Cover of the Circular Economy textiles series

National Textiles Survey 2021: Sustainable Consumption and Use I; Part 4 of 5

2021 Reference Year, April 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizens’ attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to textiles. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 4 Sustainable Consumption and Use I.

Cover of the Circular Economy textiles series

National Textiles Survey 2021: Management and Disposal of Textiles; Part 3 of 5

2021 Reference Year, April 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizens’ attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to textiles. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 3 Management and Disposal of Textiles.

Cover of the Circular Economy textiles series

National Textiles Survey 2021: Reuse and repair of clothing; Part 2 of 5

2021 Reference Year, April 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizens’ attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to textiles. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report Part 2 Reuse and repair of clothing.

Cover of the Circular Economy textiles series

National Textiles Survey 2021: Purchasing of clothes; Part 1 of 5

2021 Reference Year, April 2023

Year: 2023

This report presents quantitative research findings from the first nationally representative baseline survey on Irish citizens’ attitudes, awareness and behaviours relating to textiles. The survey topic areas are presented in a series of five reports, this report is Part 1 Purchasing of Clothes.
