Update of 12/06/20, June 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04
Update of 28/05/20, May 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04
Update of 15.05.20, May 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04
Update of 01.05.2020, May 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04
Year: 2020
The EPA has developed a policy on Licensing and Enforcement Charging. This document serves to provide a basis for both licensing and enforcement charges.
Update of 27.04.2020, April 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04 as of 27th April 2020
Update of 23.04.2020, April 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04 as of 23th April 2020
Update of 20.04.2020, April 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04 as of 20th April 2020
Update of 15.04.2020, April 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04 as of 15th April 2020
Update of 09.04.2020, April 2020
Year: 2020
EPA Update on Odour in the Carrigtwohill Area relating to Merck Millipore P0571-04 as of 09 April 2020.
Year: 2020
epa report on losses of fluid from underground ESB Networks electricity cables
Year: 2019
This document sets out the “EPA’s Enforcement & Compliance Policy” and replaces the document issued in 2003.
Year: 2019
This report focuses on the enforcement of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) industrial and waste licensed facilities in 2018 by the EPA's Office of Environmental Enforcement.
Year: 2019
The bond template is generally acceptable to the EPA and is specific to the EPA's particular requirements. Any party intending to use the template may wish to seek their own legal advice.
Year: 2019
The EPA has applied a risk-based approach to environmental liability and financial provision requirements. This document sets out the types of licensed facilities which require the agreement of costings and provisions for their environmental liabilities. It also specifies the actions required of all operators with respect to environmental liabilities and financial provisions for their facilities.
Year: 2019
Guidance on the preparation & submission of Annual Environmental Reports for Waste Water Discharge Licences.
Incident at Dublin Waste to Energy 7th June 2017, March 2018
Year: 2018
EPA Report on the investigation of the Lime spill incident which occurred at the Dublin Waste to Energy Facility, Poolbeg on 7th June 2017.
Year: 2017
The Account Charge and Funding & Drawdown Agreement templates are generally acceptable to the EPA and are specific to the EPA's particular requirements. Any party intending to use the templates should seek their own legal advice.
Year: 2016
Guidance to Licensees on the Preparation of Accident Prevention Procedures and Emergency Response Procedures
Year: 2016
Guidance on AER/PRTR reporting for the Intensive Agriculture Sector