Guidance on Fire Risk Assessment for Non-Hazardous Waste Facilities

Summary: Conditions have been inserted into selected non-hazardous waste facility licences requiring the completion of a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA). This guidance note sets out the scope of what the FRA should consider.

Published: 2016

Pages: 2

Filesize: 312 KB

Format: pdf



Executive Summary

Continued focus by the EPA on reducing fire risk at waste facilities has led to the strengthening of licence requirements in relation to fire risk at certain large-scale non-hazardous waste facilities. Conditions have been inserted into selected non-hazardous waste facility licences requiring the completion of a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA). This guidance note sets out the scope of what the FRA should consider. It must examine all relevant factors at the facility that impinge on fire risk, and should have, as its primary focus, fire prevention, early detection and intervention.

Related Publications:

Guidance on Fire Safety at Non Hazardous Waste Transfer Stations

EPA Guidance Note to Industry on Fire Water Retention Facilities 

 Learn More:

A presentation on prevention of fire at waste transfer stations was given at the EPA Waste Workshop on 24th October 2013.

Additional guidance by other regulatory authorities is available at the link below.

Fire Prevention Plans [UK Environment Agency, 2016]