Year: 2019
This document summarises the EPA Director General, Laura Burke's review of key activities undertaken by the EPA during 2018.
Year: 2019
Red C Infographic exploring attitudes to environmental issues: Results from an opinion poll of a Nationally Representative sample of 1,009 adults aged 18+ conducted online by RED C between 9th and 13th November, 2018.
Year: 2019
Minutes of the Radiological Protection Advisory Committee meeting held on 20th September 2017
Year: 2019
Data Protection Legislation provides rules which apply to the collection, use, and processing of information concerning individuals. The Legislation sets out the principles that the EPA must follow when processing personal data about individuals.
Year: 2018
The EPA Corporate Strategy 'Strategic Plan 2016-2020 – Our Environment, Our Wellbeing' sets out what we intend to deliver over the next five years in delivering on our mission. The title Our Environment, Our Wellbeing highlights the importance of a clean, protected environment for our health, our wellbeing and our quality of life.
Year: 2018
Advisory Committee Meeting held on 2 February 2018
Year: 2018
This is our submission on the Draft Plan for Forests and Freshwater Pearl Mussel in Ireland and associated SEA Environmental Report. It was issued on the 1st October 2018.
Year: 2018
This is our submission on Eirgrid's Grid Implementation Plan 2017-2022 and the associated SEA Environmental Report. It was issued on the 31st July 2018.
Year: 2018
European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014
Year: 2018
Details on general conditions of employment for permanent staff in the EPA.
Year: 2018
This the our submission on the SEA Screening of the National Clear Air Strategy. It was issued on the 12th April 2018.
Year: 2018
This is our submission on the Draft Dublin Port Masterplan review 2018 and the associated SEA Environmental Report. It was issued on the 31st May 2018.
Year: 2018
Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 requires the publication of an Annual Report each year relating to the number of protected disclosures made in the preceding year and any actions taken in response to such disclosures.
Year: 2018
This is the submission made by the EPA on the Regional and Spatial Economic Strategy (the RSES) for the Northern and Western Region and the associated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) scoping process which issued in February 2018.
Year: 2018
This is the submission made by the EPA on the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) scoping for the Regional and Spatial Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region and the associated Issues Paper consultation document which issued in February 2018.
Year: 2018
Year: 2018
Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes held on 27 November 2017
Year: 2018