Consultation Response (End of Waste), June 2020
Year: 2020
Consultation Response (End of Waste)
Preparing an End of Waste Application, June 2020
Year: 2020
Preparing an End of Waste Application
in relation to the draft National Climate and Air Roadmap for the Agriculture sector to 2030 and beyond., May 2020
Year: 2020
This is the submission made by the EPA to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in relation to the Public consultation on 'Ag-Climatise'- A Draft National Climate and Air Roadmap for the Agriculture Sector to 2030 and Beyond.
Year: 2020
Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 requires the publication of an Annual Report each year relating to the number of protected disclosures made in the preceding year and any actions taken in response to such disclosures.
and transposition of the circular economy Waste Package, April 2020
Year: 2020
The EPA's input to DCCAE’s consultation on the development of National Policy “A Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy”. The detailed responses to the questions raised in the Consultation are set out in the Appendix. A summary of the key issues in the EPA response are also set out.
Year: 2020
Summary of activities undertaken by the EPA during 2019.
Year: 2020
This is the EPA's submission on the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region and associated SEA Environmental Report, issued on the 8th March 2019.
Year: 2020
Infographic exploring attitudes to environmental issues: Results from an opinion poll of a Nationally Representative sample of 1,019 respondents aged 18+ conducted online by RED C between 9th and 13th January, 2020.
Year: 2020
EPA submission: Consultation comments on proposed Disposable Cup Levy (Coffee Cup Levy) submitted November 2019
Year: 2020
EPA submission: Consultation comments on proposed Plastic Bag Levy issued in November 2019
Year: 2020
This Environmental Performance Report for the year 2018 outlines the EPA's environmental sustainability initiatives under the relevant aspects, such as energy, water, waste, transport, biodiversity and sustainable procurement.
Year: 2019
Is é seo an tuarascáil bhliantúil agus Cuntais do 2018
Year: 2019
The Environmental Protection Agency Annual Report and Accounts for 2018 provides details of the work undertaken during the year and includes the financial statements.
Year: 2019
This report records the main issues considered by the committee during its term of office. It sets out a series of recommendations to the EPA, and to the Minister, relating to the Agency’s functions. These recommendations cover a range of key issues.
Year: 2019
Minutes of the Radiological Protection Advisory Committee meeting held on 24th October 2019
Year: 2019
Submission on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats on the nine strategic objectives of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Year: 2019
Submission by the EPA on the proposed Strategy for the Irish Agri-Food Sector to 2030. The period will prove to be crucial for the future direction of agriculture and rural communities in Ireland and an opportunity to shape that future in clear and measureable terms.