1999 River Water Quality Report

Year: 2012

Annual report on biological quality of Irish rivers

2000 River Water Quality Report

Year: 2012

Annual report on biological quality of Irish rivers

2001 River Water Quality Report

Year: 2012

Annual report on biological quality of Irish rivers

2002 River Water Quality Report

Year: 2012

Annual report on biological quality of Irish rivers

2003 River Water Quality Report

Year: 2012

Annual report on biological quality of Irish rivers

2004 River Water Quality Report

Year: 2012

This report presents the results of the biological river quality investigations carried out in the year 2004 in which 583 locations on 223 rivers and streams were surveyed.

Water Quality in Ireland 2005: Key Indicators of the Aquatic Environment

Year: 2012

The Environmental Protection Agency’s 2005 Water Quality in Ireland report is a seminal document in assessing the quality of Ireland’s aquatic ecosystems. The report concentrates on the main indicators of ambient water quality. As well as giving the current situation, it also includes historical analyses of trends for comparative purposes.

Nitrates Directive Article 10 Report for Ireland for the Period 2008-2011

Council Directive of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (91/676/EEC), June 2012

Year: 2012

This report provides the information from Ireland to the European Commission, as required under Article 10 of the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC), with respect to the fifth reporting period (2008-2011). The report comprises: a description, with maps, of the evolution of water quality in groundwater and surface waters; a statement on the adoption of a Whole Territory Approach with respect to the designation of nitrate vulnerable zones; a summary of agricultural activities and an account of the implementation of the agricultural Code of Good Practice and a summary of the principal measures and an evaluation of the National Action Programme for limiting nitrate inputs from agricultural sources.

Thumbnail cover to publication Guidance on the Authorisation of Discharges to Groundwater

Guidance on the Authorisation of Discharges to Groundwater

Version 1 - December 2011 , June 2011

Year: 2011

This provides a framework for the criteria considered important for granting or refusing an authorisation for discharge to groundwater. It addresses risk screening, appropriate levels of technical assessment, prediction of impact on groundwater quality and appropriate monitoring for different types and scales of discharges.

Thumbnail cover to publication Guidance on the Authorisation of Discharges to Groundwater

Guidance on the Authorisation of Discharges to Groundwater

Version 1 - December 2011, April 2011

Year: 2011

This provides a framework for the criteria considered important for granting or refusing an authorisation for discharge to groundwater. It addresses risk screening, appropriate levels of technical assessment, prediction of impact on groundwater quality and appropriate monitoring for different types and scales of discharges.

Cover thumbnail for publicaiton Poorly Productive Aquifers - Monitoring Installations and Conceptual Understanding

Poorly Productive Aquifers - Monitoring Installations and Conceptual Understanding

Year: 2010

A step by step guide to the establishment and installation of monitoring catchments in poorly productive aquifers. The document provides information on the project background and approach, borehole drilling, the construction and installation of wells and the hydrological characteristics of each catchment.

Cover image of Water Quality in Ireland 2001-2003

Water Quality in Ireland 2001-2003

Year: 2005

The quality of rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal waters, ground waters and canals is discussed in this report.

Towards Setting Guideline Values for the Protection of Groundwater in Ireland

EPA Groundwater Interim Report, January 2003

Year: 2003

This document presents proposals for the setting of environmental quality objectives and standards for groundwaters through the use of ‘guideline values’. A separate document is considered necessary for groundwaters because the issues involved in the setting of environmental quality objectives and standards for groundwaters are quite different to those that arise in the setting of environmental quality objectives and standards for surface waters. This is because groundwaters, in their pristine condition, can vary considerably from one groundwater body to another due to the influence exerted by the particular geology of the area within which the body exists.
