2021-2023 EPA Research 2030 Thematic Research Areas Assessment

Authors: EPA

Summary: This thematic assessment provides an overview of the research areas linked to addressing knowledge and evidence gaps to support medium and long-term environmental policy actions and objectives, identified for the period 2021-2023.

Research areas assessment front cover

Published: 2021

Pages: 34

Filesize: 844 KB

Format: pdf


While the research areas are identified under each of the four individual hubs to address the specific hub-related ambition (e.g. “addressing climate change evidence needs”), the EPA Research 2030 Framework acknowledges that the knowledge and evidence generated collectively across the four interconnected research hubs will facilitate a more integrated, coherent and cross-sectoral approach, enabling holistic management and protection of our environment.

This thematic assessment has been prepared based on the consultation process in 2020, which involved the following steps:

  • Step 1: A review of medium to longer term environmental policy actions and objectives in consultation with relevant Government Departments and Agencies.
  • Step 2: A review of on-going research funded by the EPA.
  • Step 3: Alignment with the key activities of the EPA.
  • Step 4: Discussion with our stakeholders including the Research Community, at the Towards EPA Research 2030 Online Workshop (28th October 2020).

This thematic assessment is supported by a detailed Discussion Document which was used as a basis for the consultation process and discussions at the Online Workshop and provides the rationale for and details an extensive but not exhaustive list of possible research actions, identified during the consultation process.

This thematic assessment will be used as a resource to support and inform the preparation of the EPA Research Calls. It will provide an underlying framework for the selection of research topics for inclusion in the EPA Research Calls in 2021, 2022 and 2023, as part of the call preparation process (i.e. annual consultation, review and prioritisation of the research needs, including emerging challenges).

Download the supporting Discssion Document

Download the EPA Research 2030 Framework
