Making a submission

What is a submission?

A submission is written comments or observations on a licence application or licence review application. The submission should relate to the application itself or any Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) or Natura Impact Statement (NIS) accompanying the application.

Who can make a submission?

Anyone (including the applicant) can make a submission on a licence application or licence review application to the EPA.

When can I make a submission?

Submissions on a licence application or licence review application can be made:

  • once the application has been received by the EPA and
  • before the final decision is issued.

It is important to lodge a submission as early as possible, as late submissions cannot be considered.

Where the EPA has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is required, submissions or observations on Appropriate Assessment concerning a licence application can be made in writing to the Agency. Such submissions may be made for at least 30 days after publication of the following information on the EPA website:

-    Notice for Public Consultation on Appropriate Assessment
-    Natura Impact Statement received from applicant
-    Additional information submitted on the Natura Impact Statement

The EPA cannot make a decision on an application until at least five weeks after an application is acknowledged to be in compliance.

Where can I make a submission?

You can make a submission:

  • Online, search for the relevant licence application on the EPA licensing web pages and make the submission
  • By email to
  • In writing to the EPA, PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co Wexford.

Note:  It is preferable to submit submissions online.

How can I make a submission?

You can make a submission either online, by post or by emailing the EPA at If you intend to submit video footage as part of a submission, it must be in MP4 format. Any other format will not be accepted.

What should I submit as part of my submission?

Your submission must state:

  • Subject matter of the submission
  • Grounds for the submission and the reasons, consideration and arguments on which they are based.

Attachments should:

  • Be in pdf format (video footage must be in MP4 format)
  • Be a maximum of 4 megabytes in size
  • Not include any personal data (such as phone number, e-mail address, home address, postcode)

Submissions or observations made to the EPA will be made available for public viewing, both online and at the EPA’s headquarters. Please be aware that statements included in any person's submissions or observations, that could be viewed as defamatory towards any identifiable person or organisation/company, could result in legal proceedings against the person who made that statement. Please note that if proceedings are brought against the EPA for any allegedly defamatory statements made, the EPA may seek indemnity from the person who made that statement.  Please limit submissions or observations to points of relevance to the decision to be made by the EPA.

What happens after I make a submission?

Your submission will be:

  • Acknowledged
  • Published and available to view on
  • Considered as part of the assessment of the licence application/review

You may make further submissions.  You can subscribe to email updates on the licence application through RSS feeds. You will be notified of the EPA's decision.

Can I withdraw a submission?

You can withdraw a submission in writing/email at any time prior to the application being considered by the Board of the EPA.


Learn more

Check the public access to licensing files.

For further information, contact the Environmental Licensing Programme at:

Office of Environmental Sustainability
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
Co Wexford

Tel: 053 9160600
Lo-call: 0818 33 55 99

Fax: 053 9160699