Certificate of Registration


The waste activities that require a Certificate of Registration are listed in Part II of the Third Schedule of the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations 2007, (S.I. No. 821 of 2007) as amended.

Where these activities are carried out by Local Authorities, the EPA are the competent authority to grant a Certificate of Registration as authorisation for the activity. Local Authorities can apply to the EPA for a Certificate of Registration via the EDEN Portal. 

Local Authorities are the competent authority for granting Certificates of Registration to private operators. Private operators should contact their Local Authority if they wish to apply for a Certificate of Registration.

Certificate of Registration Register

All applications made by Local Authorities to the EPA and Certificates of Registration issued to Local Authorities are available to view on the EPA's Certificate of Registration Register.

Certificates of Registration issued by Local Authorities under the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations, S.I. No. 821 of 2007 (as amended) are available on the website maintained by the National Waste Collection Permit Office (NWCPO).


Where the EPA has determined that an Appropriate Assessment concerning a Certificate of Registration application is required, submissions on the Appropriate Assessment can be made to the EPA. Such submissions may be made for at least 30 days after publication on the EPA’s website of the Notice for Public Consultation on Appropriate Assessment or for whatever longer timeframe is set out in the notice. There is no fee for submissions on Appropriate Assessment.

Submissions made to the EPA may be made available to the public. Please be aware that any statements included in submissions or observations, that could be viewed as defamatory could result in legal proceedings against the person who made that statement. Please note that if proceedings are brought against the EPA for any allegedly defamatory statement made in a submission, the EPA may seek indemnity from the person who made that statement. Please limit submissions to points of relevance to the decision to be made by the EPA.

The EPA will consider all submissions received before making its decision. The final decision (grant/refusal) will be published on the website.

If you would like to make a submission on Appropriate Assessment concerning a Certificate of Registration application made to the EPA under the Waste Management (Facility Permit & Registration) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 821 of 2007) as amended, please do so via the 'Make a Submission' function the Certificate of Registration Register. 

Learn more

The Decision Tree is to assist a Local Authority in deciding if a Certificate of Registration is required.

Application process flow charts

Certificate of the registration application process

Certificate of registration review application process

Certificates of registration granted by local authorities